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Neil Gaiman

“Afterward he remembered only the feeling that he was about to leave somewhere small and rational - a place that made sense - for somewhere huge and old that didn't.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Adults follow paths. Children explore. Adults are content to walk the same way, hundreds of times, or thousands; perhaps it never occurs to adults to step off the paths, to creep beneath rhododendrons, to find the spaces between fences. I was a child, which meant that I knew a dozen different ways of getting out of our property and into the lane, ways that would not involve walking down our drive.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Dreams are composed of many things, my son. Of images and hopes, of fears and memories. Memories of the past, and memories of the future...”
Neil Gaiman
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“Daisy was starting to feel like the kind of cop you only ever see in movies: tough, hard-bitten, and perfectly ready to buck the system; the kind of cop who wants to know whether or not you feel lucky or if you’re interested in making his day, and particularly the kind of cop who says “I’m getting too old for this shit.” She was twenty-six years old, and she wanted to tell people she was too old for this shit. She was quite aware of how ridiculous this was, thank you very much.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Chantal is having a relationship with a sentence. Just one of those things. A chance meeting that grew into something important for the both of them.”
Neil Gaiman
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“I'm an explorer," said Coraline.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Tell me, as a pagan, who do you worship?''Worship?''That's right. I imagine you must have a pretty wide open field. So to whom do you set up your household altar? To whom do you bow down? To whom do you pray to at dawn and at dusk?''The female principle. It's an empowerment thing. You know.''Indeed. And this female principle of yours. Does she have a name?''She's the goddess within us all. She doesn't need a name.''Ah,' said Wednesday, with a wide monkey grin, 'so do you hold mighty bacchanals in her honour? Do you drink blood wine under the full moon, while scarlet candles burn in silver candle holders? Do you step naked into the seafoam, chanting ecstactically to your nameless goddess while the waves lick at your legs, lapping your thighs like the tongues of a thousand leopards?”
Neil Gaiman
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“Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at the stars because we are human?”
Neil Gaiman
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“Newton Pulsifer had far as he knew, ever believed in anything. It had been embarrassing, because he quite wanted to believe in something, since he recognized that belief was the lifebelt that got most people through the choppy waters of Life. He'd have liked to believe in a supreme God, although he'd have preferred a half-hour's chat with Him before committing himself, to clear up one or two points. He'd sat in all sorts of churches, waiting for that single flash of blue light, and it hadn't come. And then he'd tried to become an official Atheist and hadn't got the rock-hard, self-satisfied strength of belief even for that. And every single political party had seemed to him equally dishonest. ....Then he'd tried believing in the Universe, which seemed sound enough until he'd innocently started reading new books with words like Chaos and Time and Quantum in the titles. He'd found that even the people whose job of work was, so to speak, the Universe, didn't really believe in it and were actually quite proud of not knowing what it really was or even if it could theoretically exist.To Newt's straightforward mind this was intolerable.”
Neil Gaiman
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“She held a bluebell up to the light; and Dunstan could not but observe that the color of sunlight glittering through the purple crystal was inferior in both hue and shade to that of her eyes.”
Neil Gaiman
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“When I was young I was a fool. So wrap me up in dreams and death.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Nothing you do in the White House matters. You know why not? Because as far as the mass of voting morons is concerned, while you're in office, you'll still be the worst single president they've ever had until you stop. Then it's some other poor bastard's turn. And even that doesn't matter, because ten, twenty years later, they'll look back on you, and wonder why they didn't appreciate you when they had you...You don't get to make a difference. You don't get to do jack shit. You know what you get?...You get an entry in the history book, and every 15 minutes, every day at Disneyworld, an animatronic puppet wearing your face will wave or nod when the spotlight hits it.”
Neil Gaiman
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“I watch with envious eyes and mind, the single-souled who dare not feelThe wind that blows beyond the moon, who do not hear the fairy reel”
Neil Gaiman
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“Nobody will ever hurt her. She’ll just smile her faint vague wonderful smile and walk away.”
Neil Gaiman
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“What do I do now?”“I don’t know. Fade away, perhaps. Or find another role.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Even if your goose habitually lays golden eggs, it will still be cooked.”
Neil Gaiman
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“This is my body, he said, two thousand years ago. This is my blood. It was the only religion that delivered exactly what it promised: life eternal for its adherents. There are some of us alive today who remember him. And some of us claim that he was a messiah, and some think that he was just a man with very special powers. But that misses the point. Whatever he was, he changed the world.”
Neil Gaiman
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“When you die, they can make you into diamonds now. It’s scientific. That’s how I want to be remembered. I want to shine.”
Neil Gaiman
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“We knew that it would soon be over, and so we put it all into a poem, to tell the universe who we were, and why we were here, and what we said and did and thought and dreamed and yearned for. We wrapped our dreams in words and patterned the words so that they would live forever, unforgettable. Then we sent the poem as a pattern of flux, to wait in the heart of a star, beaming out its message in pulses and bursts and fuzzes across the electromagnetic spectrum, until the time when, on worlds a thousand sun systems distant, the pattern would be decoded and read, and it would become a poem once again.”
Neil Gaiman
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“THE DAY THE SAUCERS CAME“That day, the saucer day the zombie dayThe Ragnarok and fairies day, the day the great winds cameAnd snows, and the cities turned to crystal, the dayAll plants died, plastics dissolved, the day theComputers turned, the screens telling us we would obey, the dayAngels, drunk and muddled, stumbled from the bars,And all the bells of London were sounded, the dayAnimals spoke to us in Assyrian, the Yeti day,The fluttering capes and arrival of the Time Machine day,You didn’t notice any of this becauseyou were sitting in your room, not doing anythingnot even reading, not really, justlooking at your telephone,wondering if I was going to call.”
Neil Gaiman
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“What a refreshing mind you have, young man. There really is nothing quite like total ignorance, is there?”
Neil Gaiman
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“Por muy lejos que te vayas, nunca conseguirás huir de ti mismo.”
Neil Gaiman
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“He started to list the coin vanishes he had mastered, which reminded him of the coin he had tossed into Laura's grave, and then, in his head, Audrey was telling him that Laura had died with Robbie's cock in her mouth, and once again he felt a small hurt in his heart.”
Neil Gaiman
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“La persona más valiente que conozco, y eres mi amigo. Me importa un pimiento que seas imaginario”
Neil Gaiman
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“There were car gods there: a powerful, serious-faced contingent, with blood on their black gloves and on their chrome teeth: recipients of human sacrifice on a scale undreamed-of since the Aztecs.”
Neil Gaiman
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“And then he said, “Media. I think I have heard of her. Isn’t she the one who killed her children?” “Different woman,” said Mr. Nancy. “Same deal.”
Neil Gaiman
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“As Shadow passed it he noticed that the newsreader was grinning and winking at him. When he was sure that no one was looking in his direction he gave the set the finger.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Laura made a great chili. She used lean meat, dark kidney beans, carrots cut small, a bottle or so of dark beer, and freshly sliced hot peppers. She would let the chili cook for a while, then add red wine, lemon juice and a pitch of fresh dill, and, finally, measure out and add her chili powders. On more than one occasion Shadow had tried to get her to show him how she made it: he would watch everything she did, from slicing the onions and dropping them into the olive oil at the bottom of the pot. He had even written down the recipe, ingredient by ingredient, and he had once made Laura's chili for himself on a weekend when she had been out of town. It had tasted okay-it was certainly edible, but it had not been Laura's chili.”
Neil Gaiman
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“The only thing that kept me going was stories. Stories are hope. They take you out of yourself for a bit, and when you get dropped back in, you're different- you're stronger, you've seen more, you've felt more. Stories are like spiritual currency.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Is there any person in the world who does not dream? Who does not contain within them worlds unimagined?”
Neil Gaiman
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“My people, we stay indoors. We have keyboards. We have darkness. It's quiet.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Mister whoever-the-fuck you are,” said Shadow, just loud enough to be heard over the din of the engines, “there isn't enough money in the world.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Anything electronic seemed fundamentally magical to Shadow, and liable to evaporate at any moment.”
Neil Gaiman
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“My last girlfriend was Greek,” said the Iceman. “The shit her family ate. You would not believe. Like rice wrapped in leaves. Shit like that.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Elegantly accomplished," said Nehemiah Trot. "I shall compose an Ode. Would you like to stay and listen?”
Neil Gaiman
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“Look. I brought you here to give you a choice-""You didn't bring us here," said Nick."You're here," said Bod. "I wanted you here. I came here. You followed me. Same thing.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Here comes a candle to light you to bed, and here comes a chopper to chop off your head.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Omnia Mutantur, Nihil Interit. 'Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.”
Neil Gaiman
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“You're alive, that means you have infinite potential. You can do anything, make anything, dream anything. If you change the world, the world will change.”
Neil Gaiman
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“and then he looked her full in the face, and her heart leapt and sank, as the eyes the dangerous blue of the summer sky before a storm gazed back into hers.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Tristan's heart pounded in his chest, as if it was not big enough to contain all the joy that it held, and he opened his eyes as he kissed the star. Her sky-blue eyes stared back into his, and in her eyes he could see no parting from her.”
Neil Gaiman
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“They all do the same things. They may think their sins are original, but for the most part they are petty and repetitive.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Anyone who calls you "little lady" has already excluded you from the set of people worth listening to.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Biz burada kahvemizi gece kadar koyu, günah kadar tatlı içeriz.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Ben salak kutusuyum. Ben tv'yim. Ben her şeyi gören göz ve katot ışının dünyasıyım. Ben gaf tüpüyüm. Ben ailelerin tapınmak için önünde toplandıkları küçük sunağım..”
Neil Gaiman
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“Nobody died. how can you kill an idea? How can you kill the personification of an action?""Then what died? who are you mourning?""A point of view.”
Neil Gaiman
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“You know what happens when you dream of falling? Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Lucifer :Ve ölümlüler! Soruyorum sana... Neden? Söyle bana neden ?Morpheus :Ne neden ilk düşen ?Lucifer :Bütün önemsiz başarıları için neden beni suçluyorlar? Sanki bütün günümü onlarınomuzlarına tüneyip , aslında iğrenç buldukları bir hareketi zorla yapmalarını sağlayarak geçiriyormuşum gibi benim adımı anıp duruyorlar. 'Şeytana uydum' Bir tanesini bile hiçbir şeyekışkırtmadım... Asla... Kendi küçük hayatlarını kendileri yaşarlar ben onlar adına onların hayatını yaşamam. Ve sonra ölüp buraya gelirler (doğru olduğuna inandıkları bir şeye karşı günahişlemişlerdir) Ve acıya ceza çekmeye karşı duydukları arzularını doyurmamızı beklerler. Onları Buraya ben getirmiyorum. Sanki etrafta dolanıp ruhları satın alıyormuşum gibi hakkımda konuşuyorlarPazar yerindeki balıkçı kadınım sanki, Bir kere bile durup kendilerine neden diye sormuyorlarBenim hiçbir ruha ihtiyacım yok. Hem birisi bir ruha nasıl sahip olabilir ki? Hayır onlarkendilerinden mesuller... Sadece bununla yüzleşmek zorunda olmaktan nefret ediyorlar.Evet ben başkaldırdım.Çok uzun bir zaman önceydi. Ama o tek hareketin cezasını daha ne kadarçekeceğim?”
Neil Gaiman
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“You think you know all there is to know about here immediately upon meeting her, but everything you think you know is wrong. Passion flows through her like a river of blood.”
Neil Gaiman
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“Something told him that something was coming to an end. Not the world, exactly. Just the summer. There would be other summers, but there would never be one like this. Ever again.”
Neil Gaiman
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