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Nelson Rodrigues

Nelson Falcão Rodrigues (August 23, 1912 – December 21, 1980) was a Brazilian playwright, journalist and novelist. In 1943, he helped usher in a new era in Brazilian theater with his play Vestido de Noiva (The Wedding Dress), considered revolutionary for the complex exploration of its characters' psychology and its use of colloquial dialog. He went on to write many other seminal plays and today is widely regarded as Brazil's greatest playwright.

Nelson Rodrigues was born on August 23, 1912 in Recife, the capital of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco, to Mario Rodrigues, a journalist, and his wife, Maria Esther Falcão. In 1916, the family moved to Rio de Janeiro after Mario ran into trouble for criticizing a powerful local politician. In Rio, Mario rose through the ranks of one of the city's major newspaper and, in 1925, launched his own newspaper, a sensationalist daily. By fourteen Nelson was covering the police beat for his father; by fifteen he had dropped out of school; and by sixteen he was writing his own column. The family's economic situation improved steadily, allowing them to move from lower-middle class Zona Norte to what was then the exclusive neighborhood of Copacabana.

In less than two years the family's fortunes would be reversed spectacularly. In 1929, older brother Roberto, a talented graphic artist, was shot and killed at the newspaper offices by a society lady who objected to the salacious coverage of her divorce. Devastated by his son's death, Mario Rodrigues died a few months later of a stroke, and shortly after that the family newspaper was closed by military forces supporting the Revolution of 1930, which the newspaper had fiercely opposed in its editorials. The ensuing years were dark ones for the Rodrigues family, and Nelson and his brothers were forced to seek work at rival newspapers for low wages. To make matters worse, in 1934 Nelson was diagnosed with tuberculosis, a disease that plagued him, on an off, for the next ten years.

During this time Rodrigues held various jobs including comic strip editor, sports columnists and opera critic. In 1941, he wrote his first play A Mulher Sem Pecado (The Woman Without Sin), to mixed reviews. His following play, Vestido de Noiva (The Wedding Dress), was hailed as a watershed in Brazilian theater and is considered among his masterpieces. It began a fruitful collaboration with Polish émigré director Zbigniew Ziembinski, who is reported to have said on reading The Wedding Dress, "I am unaware of anything in world theater today that resembles this." In the play, set while the female chief character is hit by a car in the street and undergoes surgery, the stage is divided in three planes: one for real life action happening around the character, another for her memories, a third for her dying hallucinations. As the three planes overlap, actual reality melds with memory and delusion[1].

Rodrigues's next play, 1946 Álbum de família (Family Album)- the chronicle of a semi-mythical family living outside society and mired in incest, rape and murder - was so controversial that it was censored and only allowed to be staged 21 years later.

In all, Rodrigues wrote 17 full-length plays. They include Toda Nudez Será Castigada (All Nudity Shall Be Punished), Dorotéia, and Beijo no Asfalto (The Asphalt Kiss, or , better, The Kiss on Asphalt[2]), all considered classics of the Brazilian stage. His plays are frequently divided in three groups: Psychological, mythical and Carioca tragedies. In his Carioca tragedies Rodrigues explored the lives of Rio’s lower-middle class, a population never deemed worthy of the stage before Rodrigues. From the beginning his plays shocked audiences and attracted the attention of censors.

In spite of his success as a playwright, Rodrigues never dedicated himself exclusively to theater. In the 1950s, besides writing the hugely successful column A Vida Como Ela É (Life As It Is), he also wrote soap operas, movie scripts, a

“Subdesenvolvimento não se improvisa. É obra de séculos.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“El enamorado es sincero hasta cuando miente.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“Sem alma não se chupa nem um chicabon.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“As feministas querem reduzir a mulher a um macho mal-acabado.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“O brasileiro é um feriado.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“O artista tem que ser gênio para alguns e imbecil para outros. Se puder ser imbecil para todos, melhor ainda.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“Hoje é muito difícil não ser canalha. Todas as pressões trabalham para o nosso aviltamento pessoal e coletivo.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“Sou um menino que vê o amor pelo buraco da fechadura. Nunca fui outra coisa. Nasci menino, hei de morrer menino. E o buraco da fechadura é, realmente, a minha ótica de ficcionista. Sou (e sempre fui) um anjo pornográfico”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“Eu, como artista, se tivesse de escolher um epitáfio, optaria pelo seguinte: - 'Aqui jaz Nelson Rodrigues, assassinado pelos imbecis de ambos os sexos.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“A fidelidade devia ser facultativa.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“Nem toda mulher gosta de apanhar, só as normais.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“A companhia de um paulista é a pior forma de solidão.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“Toda unanimidade é burra.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“O mineiro só é solidário no câncer.Atribuída a Otto Lara Resende no livro de mesmo nome.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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“Amar é ser fiel a quem nos trai.”
Nelson Rodrigues
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