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Neville Weston

“The typical English painting is narrative in character. The English are a nation of diarists.”
Neville Weston
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“[Kandinsky] arrived, as they say, 'with snow on his boots', and it never really melted.”
Neville Weston
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“The object [Duchamp's Fountain] was rejected , giving Duchamp the opportunity of issuing a statement, which he published in a review, The Blind Man. In his statement he emphasized that the act of choice was sufficient to justify it as a creative art. Placing it in such a way that its normal use was disguised caused a new reality for the object to be invented. To the criticism that it was rude he replied, logically enough,"How could this object be acceptable when displayed in a plumber's shop window and yet be immoral anywhere else?”
Neville Weston
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