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Nicholas A. McGirr


Nicholas McGirr is a fantasy writer with themes of the afterlife. Nicholas has 4 novels and 3 novelettes published, all of which can be found on amazon. Nicholas holds a BA in English, another BA in Journalism and is currently working on his MFA in Creative Writing.

A previous musician, Nicholas has been a music critic for Steel Town Reviews, and most of his books hold a musical background theme. When Nicholas isn’t checking out the latest music to write to, he visits cemeteries around Charleston to look for inspiration for his next afterlife tale.

Check out his blog, podcast and published works at

“I think again about the Tree of Life. A wonderful notion that we as people are all stemmed and thrive from a tree springing life from branches reaching out to help our blood flow and providing oxygen to breathe.”
Nicholas A. McGirr
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“Foretold through memories I remember what dangers I was warned of if lived by ways of sinning. That by living a fruitful life with an open mind to love all people would bring me to a place of peaceful tranquility. I wonder if these are all lies. All of them.”
Nicholas A. McGirr
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“Death truly does have life, and walks with and lives through us everyday.”
Nicholas A. McGirr
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“We are raised in a society where we are taught to believe a more logical reason for an illogical happening rather than the illogical reason for something which may be of the unknown, hence, why the logical answer is illogical to the logical person.”
Nicholas A. McGirr
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“Life dies but forever will there be music. Always.”
Nicholas A. McGirr
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“Believe reality is what you were taught was myth.”
Nicholas A. McGirr
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“Happiness does not come in large incomes or the most exotic home, it comes in small doses of a great self esteem which can be built upon the strengths of an individual.”
Nicholas A. McGirr
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