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Nicholas Boothman

I am passionate about human potential.

I spent the first 25 years of my working life as a fashion photographer and as a father of five children. I met so many people with tremendous potential but without any people skills - they were like roses with rubber bands wrapped around them - and they'd never blossom until someone took off that rubber band. I made up my mind to be that person.

I took a risk and traded in my cameras for a laptop and started out going into schools teaching kids how to ace interviews and get jobs. From there it grew fast and within 6 months I was invited to be the kick-off speaker at the AT&T Canada annual convention at the Metro Convention centre in Toronto.

Today I speak all over the world and my books have been translated into more than 30 language. My hottest business speech is "Be Brave - Take Risks." And why not? Taking risks is the only way businesses can grow and innovate.

More than 500 corporations, thousands of small businesses, and six of the world's leading business schools have contacted me to rally and inspire their staff to take risks and connect.

“Just as with swimming or riding a bike, you can't really learn how to fall in love from reading a book not even this one. Sure you can read about the different swimming strokes or the parts of a bicycle; you can learn the theory and physics behind the sport. But to get to the heart of the matter you've got to leap in and learn by doing.”
Nicholas Boothman
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“Falling for someone romantically is more complex. Manyof the old classic languages refer to three different typesof love or affection. Roughly translated, they includegeneral, brotherly and sexual love. When all three arepresent, a relationship is indeed rich.”
Nicholas Boothman
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“It's much easier to be convincing if you care about your topic. Figure out what's important to you about your message and speak from the heart.”
Nicholas Boothman
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“Stay open to opportunity -- you never know where your next important connection will be made.”
Nicholas Boothman
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