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Nicholas Olivo

My childhood consisted of way too many video games, comic books and 80′s cartoons. Add in a healthy appetite for Tolkien and Stephen King, and the end result was a geek who had visions of someday writing his own novels.

It was Terry Brooks’ Wishsong of Shannara that really clinched it and got me excited about writing. But it wasn’t until years later, after reading Jim Butcher’s Storm Front, that I decided to take a crack at urban fantasy. After a month of Pepsi-and-Snickers-assisted brainstorming, Vincent Corinthos and the Caulborn were conceived. A year later I published the first Caulborn novel, Imperium.

I’ve lived my entire life in various New England states, and I’m fascinated by New England’s paranormal history. One thing I really enjoy is incorporating local paranormal events and urban legends into the books. Each Caulborn novel will include references to real-world supernatural occurrences, and explains how they fit into the Caulborn’s world.

I live with my wife and three children, and a shape-shifting cat who may or may not be be in human form at any given moment.

“Perhaps they thought the Urisk planned to beg for mercy. Perhaps the generals thought the Urisk were praying for some imaginary god to swoop in and save them.In either case, the generals would be wrong. The Urisk aren’t begging for mercy and they aren’t praying to an imaginary god.They’re praying to me.Now pardon me for a moment, I have some swooping and saving to do.”
Nicholas Olivo
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