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Nichole Chase

Author Bio:

Nichole Chase is a daydreamer. No, really, just ask any of the math teachers that had the misfortune of seeing her name appear on their class schedule. For years she has had story lines and characters begging for attention, but she resolutely pushed them aside to focus on more normal (read, boring) jobs. Well, no longer! She is currently heeding the voices in her head and frantically writing their stories. Nichole resides in South Georgia with her husband, energetic daughter, super hero dog, Sulcata tortoise, and two cats. When not devouring novels by the dozens, you may find her writing, painting, crafting, or chasing her daughter around the house while making monster noises.

Nichole is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of The Royal Series (Suddenly Royal, Recklessly Royal, and Reluctantly Royal). She has four other novels and several short stories published in different anthologies. Her next novel, The Accidental Assassin, will be available on November 4th.

Nichole Chase is represented by Rebecca Friedman of the Rebecca Friedman Literary Agency.

“Are you upset that you can’t stomp around like a caveman and pee on my leg?” I poked his shoulder. “I’m not a tree, Your Highness.”
Nichole Chase
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“His lips were like a caress as he brushed them across mine; slow and soft. He lingered, breathing in deeply as if he couldn't breathe without me. Eventually, he moved on to plant a tender kiss on my bottom lip, before pilling back and looking at me. His cocky grin was gone, replaced with something tender and nervous. His thumb ran over my lip once, before he let go, and smiled. -Loc 1471 ARC”
Nichole Chase
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“You're the only girl that I want to be with. The only girl I look forward to seeing walk into a room. When I'm not with you, all I can think about is getting back to you. When you touch me, it's like fire running through my veins."-loc 1725”
Nichole Chase
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“Not everyone can be as suave as you are.""But they all dream of it.""Well we all need unattainable goals. Gives us something to strive for.”
Nichole Chase
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“You smell like the floor of a bar.""Hey. I resent that. I have lots of fond memories of bar floors.”
Nichole Chase
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“Who died in the shop and how does it already smell like something has been decaying in the hot sun?""Oh, you know us. Brought home some roadkill for kicks.""You didn't wait for me? You know how much I love roadkill. I mean, roadkill is the gift that keeps on giving.”
Nichole Chase
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“My name is Scott Chaney. My rank is, well, I don't have one. So, just refer to me as Captain Awesome.”
Nichole Chase
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“It's a little weird that they keep walking around sniffing things. Think I'll do that eventually?""I have no idea. At least they aren't chewing on the furniture.”
Nichole Chase
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“A group of older women walked past, wearing fanny packs and large cameras around their necks...."I think I'm going to get one of those." Weylin's voice was thoughtful as he watched the women jaywalk."One of what?" Ree cocked an eyebrow and smiled at her friend."I don't know, Wey-mand. I think they might be too much woman for you." Paden flashed a crooked grin."Har, har. I meant a fanny pack." Looking thoughtful, Weylin ignored thier expressions of disbelief."A...fanny pack?" Sophie was looking at Weylin as if he had lost his mind, but Ree noticed the corners of her mouth twitching."Yeah. Think about all the cool things I could carry in one." Completely unperturbed, Weylin stopped at the crosswalk and hit the button on the light post. "I could carry knives and some of those collapsible swords that Roland uses. Oh and snacks!"Unable to control her laughter anymore, Ree leaned over and clutched her sides. "Snacks? Weylin, I think you might need to lie down. You obviously have a fever or something.""You won't be saying that the next time we're out and you get a hankering for a pizza or some popcorn. I could even carry bottled water and little sanitizer wipes.""How big of a fanny pack are you planning on getting? Paden raised an eyebrow...."Oh, hell no! I am not eating food you've been carrying near your man-pickle. That is so not going to happen." Everyone in the group sputtered and laughed at Juliette's comment.”
Nichole Chase
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“I want you to tell me how this normally works. Do we hunt down the Dark Ones? Do we have a scheduled battle with the Big Bad Dark One? Do I need to run up and hit him in the face with a glove and declare a duel? What?”
Nichole Chase
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“I came to acquaint myself with the young lady over breakfast." Roland nodded to the tray."Acquaint yourself? Over breakfast? Is that a metaphor?" Weylin's whisper carried throughout the room, but Bryce shook his head and nodded to Paden's quivering frame."Not now, dude. We'll have a Language Arts class later," Bryce said out of the corner of his mouth.”
Nichole Chase
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“Ree felt the power bubbling up inside of her, but she had no idea what to do with it all. Could she lean out the window like they did in all the movies? Great, now she was getting ideas from bad movies.”
Nichole Chase
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