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Nick Alexander

My latest novel, The Imperfection of Us will be out July 2023.

Previous Titles:

Perfectly Ordinary People (2022)

From Something Old (2021)

The Road to Zoe (2020)

You Then, Me Now (2019)

Things We Never Said (2017)

The Bottle of Tears (2016) (also published as Let the Light Shine).

The Other Son (2015)

The Photographer's Wife (2014)

Two novels featuring Hannah:

- The Half-Life of Hannah.

- Other Halves (Dec 2013)

Two novels featuring CC:

- The Case Of The Missing Boyfriend

- The French House (May 2013)

The Fifty Reasons Series, following the life of lovelorn Mark

- 50 Reasons to Say Goodbye

- Sottopassaggio

- Good Thing, Bad Thing

- Better Than Easy

- Sleight Of Hand

And the standalone novel

- 13:55 Eastern Standard Time

The Case Of The Missing Boyfriend, The French House, and The Half-Life of Hannah have all been huge kindle hits, reaching number #1 in Amazon's kindle chart.

I live in the southern French Alps with three mogs (Mangui, Pastel & Pedro) and a very special ferret.

“A reasonable looking guy with a sense of humour to go to parties with: surely that´s not too much to ask, is it?”
Nick Alexander
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“Mona´s Law apparently states that everyone wants three things - that happiness is made up on three - piece jigsaw: a good relationship, a nice place to live, and a good job. And Mona´s law states that it is mathematically impossible to maintain more than two out of the three. Thus, if you have a good job and a nice flat and you meet a lovely guy, bam-you lose your job. So you change jobs and find the perfect undreamt-of work opportunity, and wham, your landlord kicks you out on the street.”
Nick Alexander
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“As the red leaf warns: winter will be with us soon enough. If only I could bottle a little of this sunshine up and open it in January, like jam”
Nick Alexander
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“Air travel is such a strange experience. It´s such an intimate thing, to travel alongside a stranger for so many hours, to eat together, take in a film, snooze side by side. In economy I think that it´s so intimate, that like neighbours on the same landing, most of us consider that it´s better not to take the risk of ever getting to know them. In business class, there´s just enough room - as elbows don´t actually touch - to take that chance.”
Nick Alexander
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“There are moments in life- and I would have to admit that I don´t have them as often as I would like - when everything just comes together, and when, even being single, I feel happy, relaxed and confident. Some days, like today, I feel, as the French would say, so comfortable in my skin, that I could almost cry with the joy of being alive”
Nick Alexander
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“And all of this leaves me wondering if this dream of mine-that out there, somewhere, hiding, there exists a guy who is cultured and calm, and smiley and faithful, who want´s to escape the rat-race with me and, apparently like the French, wear wellies and make cheese...Well, I wonder if it can possibly exist. I don´t want much...just someone who would flat on his stomach next to me in the garden watching ants carrying crumbs through the jungle of blades of grass. I wonder if that can ever exist, anywhere, for anyone.”
Nick Alexander
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“Half of them have beards too, which I´m afraid is a no-go area for me. I don´t spend half my life waxing to end up kissing a bunch of pubes.”
Nick Alexander
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“Fridays! They are the worst. Days stuffed with itsy-bitsy multicoloured tasks that fill every second of the day, but like M&M´s fail to nourish in any way.”
Nick Alexander
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“Break-ups are survivable. It´s the aftershocks that get you.”
Nick Alexander
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“I stand and grab a hefty bottle of perfume from the bathroom shelf and return to the bedroom door. It’s not much of a weapon, I know, but it’s heavy and square, and hitting someone over the head with a glass brick has got to be better than bitch-slapping them.”
Nick Alexander
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“wierding me out”
Nick Alexander
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“But do I really want my vagina to heal over through lack of use either?”
Nick Alexander
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