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Nicole McKay

“You should go into every relationship as a brick and not a blanket.”
Nicole McKay
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“Bricks are independent but can work well with other, tough to crack, fiercely loyal and put in the right spot will hold anything and everything that you’ve ever held dear with the greatest of ease.”
Nicole McKay
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“Blankets on the other hand are incredibly needy as they are always trying to fill a “void”. Are a bit whorish in that the instant you walk away from them in less than a minute they’ll be all over someone else, and the moment you actually need them they’re nowhere to be found.”
Nicole McKay
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“The Bible talks about building houses on sand and rock, but says nothing about a brick house built on a blanket.”
Nicole McKay
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“A brick is a biographical film in which a young orphan brick from the wrong side of the track grows up to be one of the most important bricks in all brick kind, as it is now quite literally the cornerstone of one of America’s greatest ballparks.(Fenway)”
Nicole McKay
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“I’ve always wanted to go out with a bang, that’s why I carry two bricks around with me wherever I go, so when I leave a room I clap them together.”
Nicole McKay
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“Blankets make great traps for the clinically insane, but a straightjacket might work better.”
Nicole McKay
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“You can sit on a brick, and milk a cow with a blanket.”
Nicole McKay
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“A blanket is great for covering things, like the dead guy, I just killed with this brick.”
Nicole McKay
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“You could carve out the inside of a brick and hide your money in it for safe keeping. It’s certainly safer than keeping it in the bank!”
Nicole McKay
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“Instead of putting flowers in books to flatten them you can use a brick.”
Nicole McKay
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“For loose teeth the tooth fairy recommends tying your tooth to a brick and throwing said brick down the stairs.”
Nicole McKay
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“A brick is……… Well it’s a bloody brick what more do you want from me?”
Nicole McKay
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“A brick and a blanket are the perfect symbols for the superhero Captain Dense.”
Nicole McKay
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“If you’re a struggling artist having money problems just superglue a brick in the middle of a blanket, and call it art. Someone will buy it.”
Nicole McKay
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