Nicole Reed is the New York Times Bestselling Author of Ruining You. She is a true Southern girl, enjoying life with her husband and three children in the peachy state of Georgia. As a child, she discovered another world between the pages of a book. In 2012, she self-published her first book Ruining Me, and then followed it with Ruining You, Cake, and Wasted Heart. Her books have also been listed on the overall Top 100 Amazon and Barnes & Noble Bestselling list. She is represented by Ginger Clark with Curtis Brown, LTD. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter @nicole1reed, and her website
“I had to go through hell to get a piece of heaven?”
“Live every day like it's your last. Treasure the moments you have, and make sure you make them count.”
“Don't lose out on something that could be forever because you think the timing isn't right. Don't let fate decide.”
“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the most wonderful things that will ever happen to us”
“Carpe Diem”
“He has captured my heart wholly and stolen my soul for eternity.”
“My feelings are all over the place. Can you be bipolar in love?”
“Tell me what it will take, Jay?" His voice whispers in my ear. "I want you." ~ Rhye”
“What a conceited ass. I like eye candy as much as the next girl, but you soon learn the truth about candy." ~ JayHe laughs louder this time. "What? That it melts in your mouth and not in your hand?" ~ Kane”
“I can wait. Honestly, Jay, I was planning on waiting forever for you." ~ JT”
“Jay," my name comes out like a prayer. "Be mine. Be only mine," he whispers to me. ~ Kane”
“Yes, you made me want my future again. The only problem is, he was my future first." ~ Jay”
“Believe it or not, I would go through the pain of losing you ten times over for that boy to still be alive. For you Jay, so that you wouldn't have to live with this for the rest of your life.”
“You want the truth? Those two years you could have ended your life, but you didn't because you wanted to live. You weren't looking for a way out, Jay. You were looking for a way back in.”
“Don't let go now, Jay. One-by-one, place each piece of your soul back together, but this time, make it stronger. Close your eyes and do it.”
“Time is now measured from the night when death stole from me, took my battered heart, and left me behind.”
“I can tell you, Jay, nothing that happens in this life is worth killing yourself over. Time passes, and you can decide to change your future. You don't let what some assholes say or do, direct you. In this life, it only matters what you do with it.”
“Since it seems your marking your territory , why don't you go ahead and pee on her while you're at it ? " ~ Cal”