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Nicole Sobon

“How could you explain to someone that sometimes it was not worth living in the past when the past was all that they had worth living for?”
Nicole Sobon
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“I knew it was a terrible idea. We were supposed to be leaving our past behind us, not fully embracing it. But she was a part of my past that I wanted to hold onto. She was my only reminder of Tommy, my only remaining connection. I couldn’t let that die, not yet.”
Nicole Sobon
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“I really need to remember to block my thoughts.""Oh, come on," he pulled me closer towards him. "Why are you so scared?""Because the second that I let this conversation happen, I'll be letting my walls down. No matter what answer you give me, you'll have some sort of power over me, and I don't want that." I pushed past him, plopping down on the bed, not bothering to remove my boots.I could feel the mattress sink beside me. Ian ran his fingers through my hair. "Come here," he spoke softly. "Please." I pushed myself into a sitting position, and moved closer to him, leaning my head on Ian's shoulder. "I like this, a lot. It feels nice." Ian lifted my chin so that I was forced to look directly at him, and then he leaned in to kiss me.”
Nicole Sobon
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“All of this time – I need you to answer one thing,” I paused, preparing for the incoming heartbreak that would surely follow. “Did you ever give up on me?” “Never.” Her voice was stern. “No matter how much trouble you may have caused, Taylen. No matter how much you may have hurt me. I’ve never given up on you, love, and I never will.”
Nicole Sobon
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“The thing about the truth was that it sometimes tore apart the perfect world we forced ourselves into believing existed.”
Nicole Sobon
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“I knew that I was about to walk into Hell – not literally, of course, but as close to it as one could get on Earth – and I wasn’t sure that I’d last to see another day. But I also knew that I didn’t regret the actions that had led to me being here.Love, pure love was one of the most exhilarating things that I’d ever experienced.I’d never known a feeling more genuine, or thrilling than the feeling of being in love.It was an all-consuming thing; a feeling that overtook your mind and body, one that I’d hoped I’d never forget because the experience of love was something that every person should have had the right to.”
Nicole Sobon
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“There is no way of stopping death, not here. You can prolong it. But at some point, it is bound to catch up to you.”
Nicole Sobon
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“body went tense, forcing goose bumps to rise over my bare arms. My tough demeanor had been ripped apart and was replaced by a frightened little girl in need of her father’s protection. But he wasn’t here, and all I had was Jeremy. It wasn’t his responsibility to protect me. He shouldn’t have to worry about me. And I shouldn’t be falling apart like this.”
Nicole Sobon
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“I walked slowly, my eyes focused on the gravel beneath me. I didn’t know where I was going, not that I cared. I just needed to get away. Soon enough, I’d find my way home. I had to believe that. There was a loud crackling noise in the sky as the thunder rolled through the clouds. I threw my head back, admiring the storm above. The sky was dark with flashes of white sparking throughout with each bolt of lightening following behind the thunder. It was beautiful. “After the storm, you will find peace.” I smiled as the sound boomed through the quiet neighborhood. And in that moment I felt at one with the storm as the pain inside of me slowly began to seep out.”
Nicole Sobon
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“Just as I allowed them to live in my mind, I allowed them to die.”
Nicole Sobon
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“I closed my eyes, seeking a moment of peace but finding none. Behind my eyelids, an entirely new nightmare was waiting. This wasn’t another haunting memory. This was a new form of torture.”
Nicole Sobon
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“No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t let them go. He wanted to start fresh, but there is no denying the heart what it longs for – especially when it longs for home.”
Nicole Sobon
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“He’s safe, I repeated to myself over and over again. But even I knew it wasn’t the truth. For now he was safe, but they’d find him. Eventually they’d find him, they always do. I was supposed to protect him. I was supposed to keep him alive. Instead I’d brought him directly into the lion’s pit.”
Nicole Sobon
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“He looked up at me without saying a word. I tried to hold it together but I could feel myself breaking as I fell to the floor, my face in my hands – tears flowing down my cheeks. For the first time in a while I felt like I was truly losing a hold of myself.”
Nicole Sobon
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“Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go but rather learning to start over.”
Nicole Sobon
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“My past is trying to catch up to me and I must continue run from it. It's the only way I can live.”
Nicole Sobon
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“You love them, even though they're gone. In order to love you need to live, if you give up on life you can no longer love. You'd no longer have the capability to love them.”
Nicole Sobon
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