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Nigel Warburton

“لقد رسم العامة صورة للفيلسوف صورة شخص عبقري في تعامله مع الفكر المجرد، وهو قابع في مقعده الوثير بحجرته داخل أكسفورد أو كامبريدج، وعاجز في الوقت ذاته عن التعامل مع الجوانب العملية في الحياة، فهو الشخص القادر على تأويل أعقد ما في فلسفة هيجل، والعاجز في الآن نفسه عن أن يسلق لنفسه بيضة”
Nigel Warburton
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“A human being can choose what to do, what to become. We are all free. No one but you can decide what you make of your life. If you let other people decide how you live, that is, again, a choice. It would be a choice to be the kind of person other people expect you to be.Obviously if you make a choice to do something, you might not always succeed in doing it. And the reasons why you don't succeed may be completely outside your control. But you are responsible for wanting to do that thing, for trying to do it, and for how you respond to your failure to be able to do it.Freedom is hard to handle and many of us run away from it. One of the ways to hide is to pretend that you aren't really free at all. If Sartre is right, we can't make excuses: we are completely responsibile for what we do every day and how we feel about what we do. Right down to the emotions we have. If you're sad right now, that's your choice, according to Sartre. You don't have to be sad. If you are sad, you are responsible for it. That is frightening and some people would rather not face up to it because it is so painful. He talks about us being 'condemned to be free'. We're stuck with this freedom whether we like it or not.”
Nigel Warburton
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“Muitas das actividades humanas adquirem o seu significado pelo facto de serem irrepetíveis. Fazemos escolhas, tomamos decisões que dão forma às pessoas em que nos tornamos. A nossa satisfação pela experiência imediata do padrão de luz e sombra numa floresta decorre, em parte, do facto de ser um efeito passageiro que podemos nunca mais voltar a ver. A nossa mortalidade faz-nos dar valor ao presente porque podemos não ter um futuro. O padrão das nossas escolhas e as coisas que nos acontecem dão-nos a nossa história pessoal. Contudo, se viermos a viver para sempre após a morte, esta fonte de significado não está disponível para nós. Haverá sempre tempo para fazer tudo. Bernard Williams (1929-2003) argumentou que uma imortalidade assim seria entediante e, afinal, sem significado. São os facto de haver morte e da sua finalidade que dão às nossas vidas o significado que elas têm.”
Nigel Warburton
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“Philosophy is not a spectator sport.”
Nigel Warburton
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