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nikhil kumar

Nikhil Kumar is a 30-year-old social media, SEO and advertising professional. He lives and works in Bangalore, with his wife Mansi Pal. They have a stuffed dog who has been potty-trained.

Nikhil has been blogging for about 12 years. He writes primarily on MirrorCracked ( and contributes to a travel blog that he maintains with his wife - ChaiAroundTheWorld (

He is a genetic engineer by education, but that has only been useful for picking up women. Before he got married. He's been trying to write meaningful prose for a long time and each time he thinks he's done it, it turns out to be toilet humor.

You can email Nikhil Kumar directly, in case you are feeling lonely and need someone to talk to: [email protected]

“nothing is arbitrary in this whole world, there is a good reason behind each and everything....”
nikhil kumar
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