“Lying is an art, if you can convince yourself with lie, then you are a master.”
“i don't know the ethics, but some times sex is at highest priority in a relationship.”
“Love is the centre of all the Emotions or feelings.”
“i waste lot of time learning new things and not to practice old ones's.”
“i love all the religions , i don't know why i borned in one.”
“No beauty product is going to give you ensurety about charm on your face. Its natural so natural ways can only help. Less tension , more laugh, more water.”
“i don't like normal people they r bored. They do the same thing over and over again.”
“Every day there is a surprise for you, we ruin it by overthinking or neglection. So stay foolish to get surprise , stay hungry to smell it.”
“I promise, i will keep all my promise.”
“Don't complain or blame to others, you are the one who selected wrong person,now get up ,wipe your tears and correct your statistics and now make a wiser choice. Learn to judge people, learn from your master(god,parents,teacher,best friend).”
“If you don't eat well and sleep well, you can't function well. You can't love well, not communicate well. Worst of all You will see things that doesn't exist. so take my advice and follow your mom.”
“Woman enjoy sex more than a man because they don't pre-compile every pleasure in their mind .”