Nikida S. Taste, Born and raised in Boston Ma, author of several highly explosive and entertaining novels such as "Delicate Seeds Part 1,2 & 3" "Mahogany's Pond" "Dairies of Mrs. Nectar" & "Games of Defiance" She's on a mission to give the world a gift of satisfying & interesting reads.
“Walk with your head held high. Believe you are somebody and the rest will believe too.”
“No amount of money on this planet and beyond should be able to buy your self worth, dignity & respect.”
“Loving yourself is like listening to one of your favorite songs. The undivided attention you give it, feels like a walk in the park on a beautiful sunny day.”
“Once you finally decided to stand for great things in your life, it becomes crystal clear to all of the bad things you refuse to sit down for any longer.”