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Nina Beck

NINA BECK likes peppermint tea, movies with lots of synchronized dance sequences, boys with curly hair, and living in Brooklyn, New York. She also likes writing characters that make her laugh and make other people ask, "Um. . . is this autobiographical?"

“Timothy is the product of too much upper-class inbreeding. When too many dumb rich kids drink too much with other dumb rich kids, go yachting, and kiss one another on the cheeks (or better yt, on the air by their cheeks), this is the sort of child they produce.If nothing else, I'm against a class system for this very reason.”
Nina Beck
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“This is where I will shine. This is where my father would have cried, clasped me to his bosom and muttered, "my daughter, my darling daughter. I know thee, because you are a reflection of me." (Don't ask me where I get this shit. I'm just THAT worldly.)”
Nina Beck
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