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Nina Blazon

Nina Blazon was born in Slovenia (the former Yugoslavia) in 1969. As a child growing up in the Bavarian town of Neu-Ulm, Nina enjoyed exploring the "forbidden" woods in search of dinosaurs, werewolves, and "monster deer" with the other children in town.

Given her taste for adventure and strange creatures, it is no surprise that Nina's favorite childhood books include the works of Astrid Lindgren (Pippi Longstocking) and The Neverending Story by Michael Ende. These books served as an inspiration to Nina as she began writing poetry and stage plays at the age of 13.

Despite a lack of encouragement from her parents, Nina pursued a work placement in journalism and began to further develop her craft. She credits the books of Theodore Sturgen as a major influence on her writing, and lives by her own advice of "Never forget your notebook!" as she often finds herself inspired by ordinary people doing everyday things.

In her novel The Pact of the Wolves (Spring 2008), Nina explores her fascination with secret societies, which she supplements with historic facts from a 17th-century German witch trial--two dark, mysterious topics that create an eerie backdrop for her cast of spellbinding characters.

Today Nina Blazon lives with her husband in Stuttgart, Germany--80 kilometers (50 miles) from the Black Forest. She enjoys traveling through Scandinavia, history, cinema, riding, and--undoubtedly--exploring the woods in search of dark creatures and bone-chilling adventures!

“Der Kern seiner Seele war schwarz und vertrocknet wie der schimmelige Kern, der einen reifen Pfirsich verdirbt.”
Nina Blazon
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“- Te prometo una cosa -dijo Faun-: Cuando estemos juntos, sólo estaremos tú y yo, y no importará nada que haya fuera. Pero te ruego que me perdones cuando no estemos solos.- ¿Me pides que confíe en ti?Faun negó con la cabeza.- No, no confíes en mí -respondió con tono afligido-. No te fíes nunca de mí, sobre todo si estoy con Tam.”
Nina Blazon
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“- Nuevas caras, nuevos amos -había murmurado Ben-. Está por ver si dieciocho años y dos guerras habrán bastado para que los humanos sean un poco más listos. - Humanos y ecos -repuso Jade con énfasis.- Ecos humanos -le corrigió Ben con su sonrisa desdentada.”
Nina Blazon
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“Wir glauben gern, dass etwas geschieht, während wir reden. Die Wahrheit ist, dass alles Wichtige geschieht, während wir schweigen.”
Nina Blazon
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“Aber Menschen brauchen Hoffnung mehr als alles andere. Ohne sterben sie.”
Nina Blazon
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“Zum ersten Mal erlebte sie, wie hauchfein die Grenze zwischen Liebe und Hass war. Und es war einfacher, viel einfacher, selbst zu verletzen, als den Schmerz zu spüren.”
Nina Blazon
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“Manchmal lügen wir. Und manchmal lassen wir unser Herz im Stich, um unseren Kopf zu retten.”
Nina Blazon
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