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Who are you really? Are you your body. mind and personality? Or are you the spacious awareness in which they appear? Questions like these point us to the infinite Presence that is the true source of peace, happiness and fulfillment. Nirmala is a spiritual teacher in the Advaita tradition of nondual wisdom, and is the author of several engaging and practical books about our spiritual nature.

**Nirmala's book, Living from the Heart, is available for FREE here:

**Nirmala's website:

**Nirmala's blog:

**Nirmala's facebook page:

Nirmala offers a unique vision and a gentle, compassionate approach, which adds to this rich tradition of inquiry into the truth of Being. He also offers Nondual Spiritual Mentoring, or spiritual guidance, in one-on-one sessions either in person or over the phone. More information about mentoring sessions is here:

"The beauty of this collection of Nirmala's talks and dialogues is that it covers much of the spectrum of spiritual awakening, from the initial experience of one's true nature to the practical challenges, which always call for a deeper seeing and deeper understanding of how spirit manifests as all of life and beyond. Within these talks and dialogues you, the reader, will find Nirmala to be a living invitation to look within. Nirmala welcomes whatever arises within the field of experience. In the midst of this welcoming is always an invitation to inquire deeply within, to the core of who and what you are. Again and again, Nirmala points the questions back to the questioner and beyond to the very source of existence itself--to the faceless awareness that holds both the question and the questioner in a timeless embrace." -from the Foreword by Adyashanti to Nirmala's book, Nothing Personal.

“i have never been more than a dreamand the dreameris awake”
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“i must feel this emotionwith my whole beingand as it sweeps me off my feetenjoy the sensation of fallingfalling endlessly into the armsof no lover”
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“truth is a friendthat asks for loyaltyand acceptancethen it enters our heartsdissolving the boundariesfreeing us from lonliness”
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“All pain must be faced and embraced as the true countenance of your beloved All fear must be met and recognized as the thrill of tasting the unknowable All joy must be surrendered and acknowledged as a gift with no giver”
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“"There are basically two movements of consciousness: love and fear. Love is allowing what is, and fear is resisting it.”
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