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Noelle Sterne

A writer from childhood (first published piece an embarrassing poem in fifth grade on the school harvest festival), Noelle Sterne has published over 300 articles, essays, stories, poems, guest blogs, and columns. Many blend motivational, spiritual, and practical aspects of writing and life.

Never leaving school, she earned the master’s and doctorate from Columbia University in English and Comparative Literature. She taught college for several years but, unable to bear interminable committee meetings and wanting to write more, she established an academic typing business. As she typed, she could not turn off her brain and began to comment on clients’ manuscripts. Surprisingly they welcomed her critiques and suggestions.

From these dialogues, she developed her editorial, coaching, and consulting service helping advanced graduate students finish their dissertations (finally) and obtain the long-cherished Dream of their doctoral degrees.

Trust Your Life evolved from this work and Noelle’s longtime study of metaphysical disciplines and writings (the Bible, yoga, A Course in Miracles, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay, Eckhart Tolle, Abraham-Hicks, and Unity). To address clients’ obstacles and support them in creating victories to reach the award of their degrees, Noelle developed many of the spiritually-based, practical, and inspirational techniques in Trust Your Life.

In the book, she draws examples from her practice and other aspects of life to help writers and others release regrets, relabel their past, and reach their lifelong yearnings.

Noelle’s work extends to coaching writers and spiritual counseling on many issues. She uses the principles of Trust Your Life and complementary universal principles to help clients reach their treasured goals, gain confidence, experience renewal, and recognize and activate their power.

She has published in many writing craft and spiritually-oriented publications, including Author, Children’s Book Insider, 11.11, Funds for Writers, Going Bonkers, Inscribing Industry, Living Now, Miracle Journeys, The Muppet Magazine, Natural Awakenings, Pen and Prosper, Pure Inspiration, ReadLearnWrite, Sasee, Transformation Magazine, The Write Place at the Write Time, Thrive in Life, Unity Magazine, Women on Writing, The Write Practice, Write to Done, Writer’s Digest, Writer’s Digest Guide to Literary Agents, Writers’ Journal, Writing World, and The Writer. Essays have appeared in several anthologies, and she has contributed monthly columns to Columbus Avenue (New York City), Absolute Write, and Coffeehouse for Writers.

Discovering a dubious talent for writing original riddles, Noelle published the children’s book Tyrannosaurus Wrecks: A Book of Dinosaur Riddles(HarperCollins). It was in print for 18 years, and riddles have been excerpted in many children’s magazines. The book was featured on the first dinosaur show of PBS-TV’s Reading Rainbow, “Digging Up Dinosaurs.” (The video is still available.) Noelle still loves creating riddles on any subject and giggling quietly to herself.

She has given many radio interviews discussing Trust Your Life and writing-related issues and appears at writing groups to share her insights on writing, its relation to spirituality, and any other topics writers wish to discuss.

Noelle is also honored to be a contributing author to Author Magazine's Authors' Blog. Her blog appears monthly on odd Wednesdays as she writes primarily about creativity and spirituality:


Noelle firmly believes, writes about, and lives this affirmation: Whatever your age, circumstances, childhood background, bank account, or waistline, it’s not too late.

“Five Truths About Your Inner Voice:1. It is here, always available, wherever you are, however you feel, whatever you have done.2. It is solely on your side.3. It knows what's absolutely right for you.4. It is your friend, your ally, your guide, your ultimate supporter. 5. It is always with you and for you. Whenever you're feeling perplexed, uneasy, anxious, mad, frustrated, sick, or any other other way you don't want to feel, ask your Inner Voice. Listen.”
Noelle Sterne
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“Think of some things you've wanted to do for ages and have never given yourself time or permission to do them. The Voice knows what they are and has probably suggested them many times. You've always said inside, 'Oh, I couldn't. Costs too much. I've got too much work. I'm too tired. I can't be away from x that long. Should clean out the garage instead.' It's time to stop cleaning and start living.”
Noelle Sterne
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“Often what keeps us stuck and continually doing penance is the very feeling that we must pay for lack of action. We become caught in a circle of blame, condemn ourselves, feel hopeless, and feed the fire—or slow burn—by reciting like a mantra our history of inertia and self-judged wrong choices. Well, let's break that dead-end cycle of waste and regret.”
Noelle Sterne
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