Norbert Elias photo

Norbert Elias

Norbert Elias was a German-Jewish sociologist who later became a British citizen, though he is often referred to as a Dutch thinker, and made his home in Amsterdam in his latter years.

Elias's theory focused on the relationship between power, behavior, emotion, and knowledge over time. He significantly shaped what is called process or figurational sociology. Due to historical circumstances, Elias had long remained a marginal author, until being rediscovered by a new generation of scholars in the 1970s, when he eventually became one of the most influential sociologists in the history of the field.

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“Tässä kommunistien ja kapitalistien näkemykset käyvät yksiin: molemmat ajattelevat saman paradigman mukaisesti, että talous on jokaisen yhteiskunnan keskeisin alue. Itse en ole samaa mieltä. Hitaasti hiipivä identiteettikriisi, joka liittotasavaltaa on kohdannut, on vähintään yhtä vaarallinen.”
Norbert Elias
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“Death is a problem of the living. Dead people have no problems.”
Norbert Elias
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