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Novalis was the pseudonym of Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg, an author and philosopher of early German Romanticism.

His poetry and writings were an influence on Hermann Hesse. Novalis was also a huge influence on George MacDonald, and so indirectly on C.S. Lewis, the Inklings, and the whole modern fantasy genre.

“Dünya uzaklarda - derin bir mezara indirilmiş-, yeri, bir çöl gibi ve yapayalnız. Göğsünün tellerinden derin bir hüznün esintileri yükselmekte. Çiğ taneleriyle birlikte ta aşağılara damlamak ve küllere karışmak istiyorum. -Anıların uzaklığı, gençliğin arzuları, çocukluktaki düşler, bütün bir yaşamın kısacık sevinçleri ve nafile umutları, güneşin ardından etrafı saran akşam sisi gibi, sırtlarında kurşuni giysilerle gelmekteler. Başka yerlerde ışık, neşeli çadırlarını kurmuş. Ya onu masumiyetin inancıyla beklemekte olan çocuklarına bir daha hiç dönmezse?”
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“The process of history is combustion.”
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“Knowledge is only one half. Faith is the other.”
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“Toda enfermedad puede llamarse enfermedad del alma.”
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“La esencia de la enfermedad es tan oscura como la de la vida.”
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“Inni nie przeżyli niczego podobnego, choć wysłuchali tych samych opowieści”
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“Every disease is a musical problem; every cure is a musical solution.”
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“A hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer.”
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“Sometimes with the most intense pain a paralysis of sensibility occurs. The soul disintegrates--hence the deadly frost--the free power of the mind--the shattering, ceaseless wit of this kind of despair. There is no inclination for anything any more--the person is alone, like a baleful power--as he has no connection with the rest of the world he consumes himself gradually--and in accordance with his own principle he is--misanthropic and misotheos.”
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“Our life is no dream, but it should and will perhaps become one.”
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“The artist stands on the human being as a statue does on a pedestal. ”
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“Humanity is the higher meaning of our planet, the nerve that connects this part of it with the upper world, the eye it raises to heaven. ”
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“Humanity is a comic role. ”
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“Life must not be a novel that is given to us, but one that is made by us. ”
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“One should, when overwhelmed by the shadow of a giant, move aside and see if the colossal shadow isn't merely that of a pygmy blocking out the sun.”
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“Wer Schmetterlinge lachen hört, der weiß wie Wolken schmecken.”
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“„Да станеш човек е изкуство.”
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“One can not understand language because language cannot understand itself; does not want to understand”
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“There is an energy which springs from sickness and debility: it has a more powerful effect than the real, but, sadly, expires in an even greater infirmity.”
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“Philosophy is really nostalgia, the desire to be at home.”
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“Our life is no dream; but it ought to become one, and perhaps will.”
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“Perceptibility is a kind of attentiveness.”
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“Where are we really going? Always home.”
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“To philosophize means to make vivid.”
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“Play is experimenting with chance.”
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“Die Welt muß romantisiert werden. So findet man den ursprünglichen Sinn wieder. Romantisieren ist nichts, als eine qualitative Potenzierung. Das niedre Selbst wird mit einem bessern Selbst in dieser Operation identifiziert. (…) Indem ich dem Gemeinen einen hohen Sinn, dem Gewöhnlichen ein geheimnisvolles Ansehn, dem Bekannten die Würde des Unbekannten, dem Endlichen einen unendlichen Schein gebe so romantisiere ich es.”
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“Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason.”
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