Oki photo



When the twin demons Lechku and Nechku cause a deadly blizzard in Kamui, Oki stole the sacred sword of the Oina tribe. He fights lesser demons in order to make his sword glow silver with the power to stop the twin demons.

Oki is very naive and only thinks about how to improve his strength with the sword. He believes he is the only one that can save his tribe from the demons, and does not want to be helped by either Amaterasu, Issun or any of his own kind.

Oki seems to have a minor rivalry with Samickle, or at least that's what Samickle likes to believe, since he thinks of Oki as acting without thinking. They warm up to each other once the twin demons have been slain, and Oki's eyes have opened for kindness, help and friendship.


When Amaterasu first arrives in Kamui, there is a harsh blizzard raging throughout the land. Issun tells her to seek out shelter until the blizzard calms down a bit. She finds a home nearby and goes inside, relaxing near the fire. Shortly after, the owner, Oki, takes offense and threatens Amaterasu with his sword, Kutone. They circle the fire slowly, watching each others' movements. When Oki is near the doorway, he gestures to Amaterasu to take the fight outside and waits for her. When she joins up with him, they battle against each other, Oki using both his human and wolf forms.

After the fight, he commends her and knows that she is not a normal wolf. He then informs both her and Issun about Kamui's situation regarding the twin demons Lechku and Nechku, the cause of the blizzard. He also tells them about a prophecy, which is: "The wall of ice shall shatter and open the way to the heavens, when Kutone, the guardian sword, glows silver." He interprets it that he must slay monsters until the sword glows, which will rid Kamui of the blizzard.

Later on, it is revealed that Oki stole Kutone from the village Wep'keer so that he alone can defeat the demons. When Amaterasu and Issun open the Spirit Gate, he shows up, claiming that Kutone led him there. He sees the Spirit Gate as an opportunity to make the sword glow silver, saying that the monsters of misfortune within will be more than enough satiate the sword. Issun then warns him that there's no telling what may be on the other side of the gate, and that Oki may find more than he bargained for. Oki then says, "That's what I'm hoping for... For the sake of Kutone!" before running through the gate. Amaterasu runs after him, jumping through the gate which closes up behind her.

On the other side, they find that they ended up in Kamiki Village. Oki runs off to fight the monsters, leaving Amaterasu and Issun alone to find out that the Spirit Gate has taken them back one hundred years. The pair then take Nagi to the Moon Cave so he can defeat Orochi. However, Orochi knocks him out, resulting in Amaterasu and Issun going inside the cave alone. She then finds Oki there, who was brought there because he sensed Orochi's dark power. Issun tells Amaterasu that Lika, the Oina girl they were looking for, is on Orochi's back. Shortly afterward, Orochi appears, angered that they have "defiled his sanctuary."

Oki transforms to his wolf form, prepared to fight Orochi. Issun warns him about Lika, to which he responds with "I care not. For Orochi will be my ultimate offering to the sacred sword." After Amaterasu fights and greatly weakens Orochi, Oki steps in to deal the final blow, praying to Kutone to awaken and glow silver. When he attempts to strike Orochi, the demon's barrier protected him from the attack, and he counters Oki by striking him, sending him against a wall with great force. Oki, confused, asks loudly to Kutone why it will not glow silver while Orochi prepares to kill him.

Before Orochi could do anything, Nagi appears and stops the demon. He joins up with Amaterasu and they both slay the wretched eight-headed demon. Oki, humiliated and angry about what Nagi's sword had done, immediately left the scene, mak

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