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Olga Orozco

Olga Orozco (1920-1999) (real name Olga Noemí Gugliotta) was an Argentine poet born in Toay, La Pampa. She spent her childhood in Bahía Blanca until she was 16 years old and she moved to Buenos Aires with her parents where she initiated her career as a writer.

Orozco directed some literary publications using some pseudonymous names while she worked as a journalist. She was a member of so-called «Tercera Vanguardia» generation, which had a strong surrealist tendency . Her poetic works were influenced by Rimbaud, Nerval, Baudelaire, Miłosz and Rilke.

Olga Orozco died in Buenos Aires at the age of 79 because of a cardiac crisis.

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_Orozco)

“Toda mirada por encima del hombro puede adulterar los inocentes escenarios”
Olga Orozco
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“Mis refugios más bellos,/ los lugares que se adaptan mejor a los colores últimos de mi alma, / están hechos de todo lo que los otros olvidaron.”
Olga Orozco
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