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Olivia Cunning

Combining her love for romantic fiction and rock ‘n roll, Olivia Cunning writes erotic romance centered around rock musicians. Raised on hard rock music from the cradle, she attended her first Styx concert at age six and fell instantly in love with live music. She's been known to travel over a thousand miles just to see a favorite band in concert. As a teen, she discovered her second love, romantic fiction -- first, voraciously reading steamy romance novels and then penning her own. Growing up as the daughter of a career soldier, she's lived all over the country and overseas. She recently moved to Galveston, Texas.

“Guys like you don't usually talk to girls like me. Girls like me don't get invited to prom. Guys don't make fools of themselves for girls like me. Girls like me are ignored. Invisible. But I'm not a girl anymore. I'm a woman. Thanks for reminding me.”
Olivia Cunning
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“What's truly sexy about a woman isn't what she wears. It isn't how much time and attention she spends on her hair. It's no that her bra matches her panties. It's the way she thinks, moves, speaks. That's what's sexy about a woman.”
Olivia Cunning
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“Train wrecks waiting to happen were mesmerizing.”
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“There’s so much love in your life, but you don’t recognise it. You won’t let it in. That’s why you feel so lonely, baby. Don’t you get it? It’s not them. They care about you. It’s you. You don’t see it.”
Olivia Cunning
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“I’ve got you baby,” she whispered. The pain inside was unbearable – worse than anything in his experience. He couldn’t breathe. “It hurts,” he gasped. “God, it hurts. Mercy,” he begged her, rubbing his face against her belly. “Mercy, Aggie. Mercy.”
Olivia Cunning
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“Nice to meet you both,” she said. “I hate to be rude, but if I don’t ride The Beast in the next five minutes, I’m going to die.”
Olivia Cunning
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“I’m your best buddy, and you don’t want me to die from a giant case of blue balls?”“I don’t think that’s fatal,” Aggie said.“Have you ever had blue balls?” Eric asked.She grinned and flipped her gaze to the ceiling. “Well…”“They’re not just for Smurfs.”
Olivia Cunning
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“Border patrol,” a uniformed officer announced as he stepped on the bus. “Anything to declare?”“I declare that this sucks,” Trey said, shuffling past him.“Hey,” Eric said to the office and pointed at Trey. “I saw that guy shove something up his ass.”
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“It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt,” Aggie said.“And then it’s hilarious,” Eric said.”
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“If you disrespect my woman like that again, I’ll kick your fuckin’ ass. You won’t get back up.”
Olivia Cunning
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“This is my fault. If you’d never met me, this wouldn’t have happened.”“If I’d never met you, I would never gotten to hold you. I’ll take the bullet.”
Olivia Cunning
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“Jace shrugged and looked at the floor. He wanted to leave. He couldn’t do this with her mother in the house, especially not after the woman had told him to keep his dick in his pants. The sole reason he was here was to put his dick in her daughter. Repeatedly and in excess.”
Olivia Cunning
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“What’s a little sac connection between friends?”
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“Don’t you dare fucking come before me, you asshole!”
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“He was supposed to record in the studio this afternoon, and pow—he gets shot. This fuckin’ album is cursed, I tell you.”
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“She wanted that—what Sed and Jessica had. And she wanted it with Jace.”
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“Your balls are touching mine" Jace said between clenched teeth. "What's a little sac contact between friends?”
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“I’m a whole different type of beast.”
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“Baby, that was just a warm-up.”
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“Am I hurting you at all?”“Not enough,” he whispered. “Make me bleed.”
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“I will find all your spots. Pleasure you until you beg me to possess you. When I finally do, I’ll plunge into you hard. Deep.”
Olivia Cunning
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“¿Eso es una anaconda en tu bolsillo o solamente estás feliz de verme?”
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“Cariño, si es así como muestras tu odio, no puedo esperarpara ver cómo muestras tu afecto.”
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“Me parece que estas bailando arriba y debajo de mi barra.”
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“Mi Dios personal del sexo.”
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“He's really sweet, actually." "I don't think we're talking about the same Sed. Sedric Lionheart. Tall guy. Broad shoulders. Blue eyes. Short black hair. Body befitting a Greek god. Sings. La la la la.”
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“F. An F? She gulped air. An F! Failure. Failurino. Failurocity. Failtacular. Failpendous. Epic...fail.”
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“If I had the strength, I'd find myself otherwise occupied, but my legs refuse to move. My mouth seems to be working just fine though. If I had gills, I could go down on you.”
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“I'd cuddle with you, but I don't want to sweat off my riff and solo.”
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“My vagina has just found a new best friend”
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“God, you made me come hard.No need to call me God, he teased.”
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“Rock stars live too fast for the twenty-four hour rule... Our average life expectancy is equal to one-half normal divided by number of addictions minus the number of small craft flights per month, the number of fast cars owned, and the number of miles driven on a motorcycle without a helmet. I'd say the three-second rule better applies...”
Olivia Cunning
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“What kind of a dork uses a lame stage name anyway? And why Shade? Because he wears sunglasses all the time?""Yeah, he has to wear them. He has vision problems.."Melanie's stomach dropped and she covered her big, blabbering mouth with one hand. "He does? Shit. Now I feel bad."The guy chuckled. "I'm just fucking with you. He wears them because he enjoys looking like a douche twenty-four seven.”
Olivia Cunning
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“Thanks, tripod," Eric said...."Tripod?" Jace asked. "As hung as you are, you practically have three legs.”
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“What's wrong, Eric? Aggie asked."He got his period,"Trey said.”
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“What if I call you Huge Cock Master Pussy Delighter?”
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“Besides she's off birth control now. I don't want you guys naked within a hundred yards of her.""Uh, how are we supposed to shower?"Trey asked.Brian rolled his eyes in annoyance. "You can shower, dumbass. Just make sure you wear a condom."”
Olivia Cunning
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“Eric pulled a drumstick from the inner pocket of his leather vest and held it across his chest like a sword. "I shall guard this dwelling, m'lady, and vanquish all who dare to trespass." He took a stab at Sed with his improvised weapon. "Back, foul beast”
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“-“You know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”“If my heart grows any fonder, it’s going to hop out of my chest and into yours.”
Olivia Cunning
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“The best day of my life used to be the day I asked you to marry me onstage in Pittsburgh, but as memorable as that was, today has been even better.”
Olivia Cunning
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“You look happy, sweetie. Did you just eat a cherry pie?”
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“Has Trey ever told you that he's a virgin?" Reagan asked, stroking Ethan's hair with one hand and Trey's with the other.Ethan lifted his head and snorted with laughter. "Is today opposite day?”
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“If I thought last night was a onetime thing, I wouldn't be sitting here discussing this with you, but you're putting the stipulation on me that if I want a man, it has to be Ethan - nice choice, by the way....”
Olivia Cunning
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“I'll try not to embarrass myself.""Why would you embarrass yourself?""Because I'm about to be trapped ona jet for more than two hours with the Brian Sinclair.""Last night you got laid by the Trey Mills.""And it was amazing," she said, rolling her eyes toward the ceiling to express her bliss."If you play your cards right, you might get laid by the Trey Mills in the bathroom back there in about half an hour.”
Olivia Cunning
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“I'm going to let myself love you now. Don't freak out on me."He laughed. "No promises.”
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“His lips tasted of cherry and some unique flavor that could only be described as Trey-licious.”
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“I want to kiss every inch of you," he murmured and ground his cock against her mound. "Then I want to lick every inch. And touch. Then suck. Then fuck." He gave her hair a hard tug. "Every inch.”
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“What else makes you hot?" You asking what makes me hot makes me hot.”
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“It’s a sex swing. I figured you were getting tired. This will make my mad sex skills easier on your body.”
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“You hired a female guitarist?""Uh, yeah. She fuckin' rocked our faces off.”
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