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Olivia Parker

(1)romance author

​Endowed with an insatiable yearning for happily-ever-afters, Olivia fell in love with the promise of happy endings found in the lovely pages of romance novels. When she's not reading or writing, she's quite the busy "governess" to a trio of lovely children.

She, sincerely, appreciates all of her emails as they often bring sunlight to some cloudy days. You can try to reach her via her Facebook page--though I should warn you, she's a bit of a recluse and Facebook continuously confuses (intimidates) her.

Presently, she's writing, working, and bargaining with a large yellow dog that trades cuddles for peanut butter

“I never smiled much." His voice was a low purr in the shadows. "Don't be silly," she replied, taking a step closer to the next portrait--and farther away from him. "You smile all the time." "At you," he conceded, "with you, because of you.”
Olivia Parker
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“Before Charlotte could utter a syllable, Tristan picked up her gloved hand and kissed her lightly on theknuckles.“Good day, Charlotte,” he said.“Good day,” she answered. She turned to bid farewell to Lady Rosalind, but she seemed to havedisappeared.Numbly, she descended the front steps toward a waiting Rothbury, who only had eyes for the Devines’front door, looking quite like he wanted to murder someone.“Perfection, dear brother,” Rosalind proclaimed, while peeking out the little window next to the door.“Utter perfection.”Slipping a finger inside his cravat to loosen it a bit, Tristan craned his neck from side to side, easing thebuilding tension. “If he kills me, I’ll see to it that you get hanged for murder as well.”
Olivia Parker
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“Indeed, Gabriel knew it wasn't all just empty green fields of moorland grass for miles around. Tucked within the wide landscapes of these uplands was an unpredictability that a less observant person might never be aware of. There were waterfalls concealed in swaths of wilderness, rocky stream beds ramblings in deep valleys, and...knotted sheets?”
Olivia Parker
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“See. I told you I would get that boy to the alter eventually. All I had to do was pretend I was a loon.”
Olivia Parker
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“I mean, I'm happy to see you, but why aren't you home?""Wherever my wife sleeps is my home.”
Olivia Parker
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“Those aren't from my mother's garden, are they? She'll throttle you.""No," he said, making a grand show of looking insulted. "I would never.""Sorry," she said with a cringe."They're from your neighbor's garden, actually.”
Olivia Parker
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“What have I done to her?" Gabriel muttered to himself as he crossed the room to crank open a window. Cool air washed over his skin. "What the devil did she do to me?”
Olivia Parker
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“By some miracle, Charlotte's polite smile never wavered. It was a proud moment for her. After all, it wasn't every day that a little old lady told you right to your face that your bosom was as flat as a flounder.”
Olivia Parker
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“He did not blame them. Because in truth, that's what he did, what he was. Seduce and dominate. Charm and manipulate. A user of women. How they would scoff, Rothbury mused bitterly, if they knew that he was secretly in love with the silly little chit, spectacles and all.”
Olivia Parker
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“It took nearly a year to finish the ever-changing [marriage candidates] list, with the assistance of his sister and his aging spinster aunt, who lorded over their affairs as the self-appointed voice of cultivated reason. During this time, Gabriel struggled to convince straight-from-Oxford Tristan that he must marry, produce heirs, and maintain the family dukedom for Gabriel himself wouldn't marry. He knew he simply did not have the compulsion to inflict that sort of aggravation on a woman.”
Olivia Parker
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“The captain of this sailing vessel has requested a private audience with you in his quarters. It seems you’ve a treasure map hidden on your person, and I mean to explore every inch of you until it is discovered.”
Olivia Parker
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“You are beautiful and humble and sensitive and the keeper of my heart.I know it will take some time, growing up with a beast of a guardian as you did, but there will come a day when you no longer criticize yourself, no longer believe less of yourself, and you will come to love yourself just as much as I love you.Well, almost as much, I imagine.-Gabriel Devine, Duke of Wolverest-”
Olivia Parker
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