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Otto Weininger

Otto Weininger was an Austrian philosopher. In 1903, he published the book Geschlecht und Charakter (Sex & Character) which gained popularity after his suicide, aged 23. The book is generally viewed as misogynistic & antisemitic in academic circles; however, for some reasons it continues to be held up as a great work of lasting genius & spiritual wisdom by others like Ludwig Wittgenstein.

Otto was born in Vienna as a son of the Jewish goldsmith Leopold Weininger & his wife Adelheid. After attending primary school & graduating from 2ndary school in 7/1898, he registered at the University of Vienna in 10/1898. He studied philosophy & psychology, taking natural science & medicine courses as well. He learned Greek, Latin, French & English early, later also Spanish & Italian, & acquired passive knowledge of the language of Strindberg & Ibsen. In the autumn of 1901 he tried to find a publisher for his work Eros & the Psyche-which he submitted to his professors Jodl & Müllner as his thesis in 1902. He met Sigmund Freud who wouldn't recommend the text to a publisher. His professors accepted the thesis & he received a PhD. Shortly thereafter he became enthusiastically Protestant. In 1902 he went to Bayreuth where he witnessed a performance of Wagner’s Parsifal which impressed him. Via Dresden & Copenhagen he made his way to Christiania (Oslo) where he for the 1st time saw Henrik Ibsen’s liberation drama Peer Gynt. Upon his return to Vienna he suffered from fits of depression. The decision to take his own life gradually took shape; after a long discussion with his friend Artur Gerber, however, he realized that “it's not yet time”.

In 6/1903, after months of concentrated work, his book Sex & Character: A fundamental investigation-an attempt “to place sex relations in a new & decisive light”-was published by Braumüller & Co of Vienna. The book contained his thesis to which three vital chapters were added: (XII) The Nature of Woman & her Relation to the Universe, (XIII) Judaism, (XIV) Women & Humanity. While the book wasn't panned, it didn't create the expected stir. Weininger was attacked by Paul Julius Moebius, Leipzig professor & author of On the Physiological Deficiency of Women, & was accused of plagiarizing. Disappointed & tortured by doubts, he left for Italy.

Back in Vienna he spent his last five days with his parents. On 10/3, he took a room at Schwarzspanierstraße 15 where Ludwig van Beethoven died. He told the landlady that he wasn't to be disturbed before morning since he planned to work late. That night he wrote two letters, one to his father, the other to his brother Richard, telling them he was going to shoot himself. On 10/4, he was found mortally wounded, having shot himself thru the heart. He died in Wiener Allgemeines Krankenhaus at 10:30AM. He was buried in Matzleinsdorf Protestant Cemetery in Vienna. An epitaph by his father translates: "This stone closes the resting place of a young man whose mind never really found peace on earth. & after imparting revelations of his mind & soul he could not bear any longer to be among the living. He searched for the death realm of one of the greatest minds that dwelled in the house in Schwarzspanierstrasse & put an end to his bodily existence."

“Ljudi od vrijednosti nikada nisu nadmeni. Čovjek uvijek ima onoliko arogancije, koliko mu nedostaje samosvijesti. Nadmenost je samo sredstvo da se vještačkim ponižavanjem bližnjega, na silu uzdigne samosvijest.”
Otto Weininger
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“All genius is a conquering of chaos and mystery.”
Otto Weininger
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“There are transitional forms between the metals and non-metals; between chemical combinations and simple mixtures, between animals and plants, between phanerogams and cryptogams, and between mammals and birds [...]. The improbability may henceforth be taken for granted of finding in Nature a sharp cleavage between all that is masculine on the one side and all that is feminine on the other; or that any living being is so simple in this respect that it can be put wholly on one side, or wholly on the other, of the line.”
Otto Weininger
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“No men who really think deeply about women retain a high opinion of them”
Otto Weininger
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