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Padgett Powell

“today is a good day to give no one a hard time about anything, or today is a good day to give everyone a hard time about everything.”
Padgett Powell
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“try to recall the person you thought you were and the moment you began to realize you are not that person, and try to grasp and appreciate the high quality of lunacy required for you to have ever thought you were that person.”
Padgett Powell
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“in the event that armed men of any sort enter the building, watch their feet closely.”
Padgett Powell
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“alternate the theories you entertain about all things.”
Padgett Powell
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“in a new world behave in a new way as a new man. unhorse the conquistador.”
Padgett Powell
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“apply shingles from the bottom up.”
Padgett Powell
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“the new world may be in fact a very, very, very, very old world.”
Padgett Powell
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“don't hesitate to insulate your house, especially the floor.”
Padgett Powell
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“Isn't it true that there is a rare kind of person who perceives, as does a good dog, that life is doing something meaningful, and who discovers what it is and goes about doing it with a spirit of moderate hustle, and there is a not rare kind of person who perceives none of this and who goes about doing what is necessary in a spirit of aggrievedness?”
Padgett Powell
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“Can you imagine doing something in your life that will be fully satisfying and redeeming for your having tried to do it, whether you succeeded in it or failed, and that, correspondingly, would be fully shameful had you not tried to do it?”
Padgett Powell
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“Have you come over time to think that you know more now than you did when you were young, know less now than when young, know now there is so much more to know than you knew there was to know when young that it is moot whether you think you knew more then than now or less, or do you now know that you never knew anything at all and never will and only the bluster of youth persuaded you that you did or would?”
Padgett Powell
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“Potato salad in the South is nothing less than the principal smuggler of cholesterol into the festive, careless heart. It is pure poison beneath the facade of bland puritan propriety. It is the food of choice at any food banquet of smiling relatives who celebrate tacitly among themselves the dark twining of two of their promising youth.”
Padgett Powell
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“But crossing into Louisiana I got this haunted little rill of feeling -- there was moss and mud everywhere and an inexplicable, hollow sensation that Louisiana is what would be left of the South after it has been nuked -- that I and everything around me were irretrievably rotten.”
Padgett Powell
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“Cholesterol to go with alcohol; all the bad things in English-speaking life end in -ol.”
Padgett Powell
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“A whole section of the family tree is pruned and primped and assessed as I politely sit there. Overall, I detect that the tree is fine: its leaves gently turning in the breeze of life. We have no scandal blight, no limb-wrenching storms of fate, no bad apples. I wonder what it is like when the Kennedys sit around for a disk check like this.”
Padgett Powell
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“My mother will emerge with a towel on her head, Nefertiti fashion, and a good terry-cloth robe, and make herself a tall gin-and-tonic and look like a movie star for an hour. Being around her is like being on safari; there is an elusive something we are after, in difficult conditions, and we will look good in the getting there.”
Padgett Powell
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“the zombies, after all, were pretty slow to appreciate someone other than themselves, and they had been schooled not to denigrate the different.--Mrs. Hollingsworth's Men”
Padgett Powell
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“disputing nothing is the first step through the difficult door of happiness”
Padgett Powell
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“ease up. the day was rued when we came upon it, or when it came upon us, and beheld us marring the horizon, sitting here like unconquerable savages, men missing their dogs and talking pointlessly unless talk to the dead. let's sharpen something.”
Padgett Powell
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“jejune longing is the chewing gum of life.”
Padgett Powell
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“the levity of the doomed has no equal.”
Padgett Powell
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“Do you try to listen to calssical music but feel you don't ever really advance past knowing it's better than it sounds?”
Padgett Powell
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“Have you decided yet what historical moment you would have most like to have witnessed with your own eyes and ears?”
Padgett Powell
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“Life is a sandwich of activity between two periods of bed-wetting,”
Padgett Powell
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“If you could have a famous writer, dead or alive, write an obituary for you and really puff you up to have been something you weren’t, perhaps, or otherwise take liberties with your memory, what writer would you choose?”
Padgett Powell
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“Is a gesture of charity genuine or is it a kind of deep moral tax write-off?”
Padgett Powell
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“Do you appreciate that an oyster has, among its other organs, a heart?”
Padgett Powell
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“If the observation were made to you that "Strangers become intimate, and as intimacy grows they lower their guards and less mind their manners until errors are made, which decreases intimacy until estrangement exceeds that which existed before the strangers ever met," would you be inclined to agree?”
Padgett Powell
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“She thought it funny how the poor environment had been raped just fine until there was a sufficient excess of the people who had effected the raping to produce sufficient numbers of themselves who were sufficiently idle that they might begin to protest the raping of the environment, which was irretrievably lost to the raping by that point.And this would be the great soothing cathedral music, the stopping of the chainsaws amid the patter of acid rain, that all good citizens would listen to for the quarter-century it took them all to wire up to cyberspace and forget about the lost hopeless run-over gang-ridden land, reproducing madly still all the while, inside their bunkers listening to NPR.”
Padgett Powell
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“Now she understood a few things: that the American academy, which one might have thought the place to defend freedom of speech, had been the seat and soul of abrogating freedom of speech, if the first assault on its freedom can be said to be restricting, or handcuffing speech. The day she heard “redneck” on NPR, she turned NPR off, not because broadcasters were still using the term, but because she knew one day they would not be. In fact, she had a vision of the quiet moment backstage at a Boston studio when a good, surprised correspondent was let go for saying “redneck” the last time it would be said.”
Padgett Powell
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“life is a time when you get pleasure until somebody get your ass. and one of the ways to prolong pleasure is to not chop up time with syllables.”
Padgett Powell
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“Would it require more energy than you have in order for you to really lose it, or do you think really losing it can be a function of having too little energy to prevent losing it? Do the people you do not wish to talk to far exceed the number you do wish to talk to? Do you have much to say to even those to whom you do wish to speak? Do you know where it went wrong for you? Do you own any good copper? Are you favorably disposed to American Indian causes but less so if you must say Native American causes? Are you more at ease in a veneer of civilization or in a true hardwood of barbary?”
Padgett Powell
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“The main thing is: Don't take any shit.That's the main thing.The unmain thing is: You are not going to figure anything out except how to get other people to take shit, so forget about everything except not taking any yourself.”
Padgett Powell
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