Paisley Swan Stewart photo

Paisley Swan Stewart

The Angel's Song, a CD of all original music and songs inspired by Paisley's novel series is now available in CD format or download from

Inspired by her favorite author CS Lewis, Paisley Swan Stewart describes herself as a person of magical thinking. She spent her youth performing in musical theater and studying classical voice. She began writing songs and poetry in her early teens, and is an accomplished colored pencil artist who once sold her artwork through her family owned and operated gift shop-gallery. Paisley notes that her writing is often influenced by her personal faith in Jesus Christ, and her diverse artistic interests.

Paisley and her husband of 35 years reside in a modest home in the beautiful Pacific NW. When not busy with home improvements, the couple enjoy spending time with their closest friends, and taking walks in their favorite local park. Between them, they have 3 grown sons and 3 grandchildren. Paisley and her husband are currently making the most of his retirement by landscaping their property, and by enjoying the many doves, hummingbirds, wild birds and squirrels that visit their yard.

An avid fan of social networking, in the winter of 2005, Paisley began regularly communicating with her readers. Nestled with a laptop in her comfortable chair, on any given day Paisley continues her outreach to fans and friends as she plots the intricacies of her next novel.

“Angel, men die for honor, riches and glory…saints and women die for love.”
Paisley Swan Stewart
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“Let her destroy me if she will. Better to be destroyed by her love than to never have known it. ErikBook 2~Chanson de l'Ange: The Angel's Song”
Paisley Swan Stewart
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