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Pam Johnson-Bennett

Pam Johnson-Bennett is the host of the TV series "Psycho Kitty" which airs on the Discovery UK channel. She is the best-selling author of 7 books on cats and is considered a pioneer in the field of cat behavior consulting. Her ground-breaking book, Think Like a Cat, is considered the cat bible among owners, experts, and shelter personnel worldwide. She is a Certified Cat Behavior Consultant and a clinical member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants as well as being the Founder and former long-time Chair of the IAABC Cat Division. She has been the behavior expert for Friskies for over a decade and also served on the Advisory Boards of the American Humane Association and Tree House Humane Society. She is a frequent expert columnist for WebVet. She was formerly the behavior columnist for Cats Magazine, Cat Channel, Yahoo, ivillage, Catster and the Daily Cat.

In addition to career in cat behavior consulting, she has also co-authored a book about motherhood. About her non-cat book, she says: "My 8th book is a total departure from cat behavior and delves into the scary, messy, embarrassing and alien world of being a mother of two kids. "Cookies for Dinner" is where I and my co-author fess up about how your breasts basically become the fast-food take-out window at lunchtime and how, at some point, it's a rite of passage for mothers to end up at the supermarket check-out line while still in our pajamas. Oh, and then there's the time I was locked out of my house while wearing less-than flattering swimwear... but I digress."

“Cats are true carnivores. While you may choose a vegetarian lifestyle, don't assume it's healthier for your cat also. Cats aren't able to convert beta-carotene into vitamin A the way we can. They must get vitamin A from animal tissue (called preformed A). Cats are also unable to convert linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid) to arachidonic acid the way dogs can so they must get preformed arachidonic acid from its only source—animal tissue.”
Pam Johnson-Bennett
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