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Pamela Aidan

Pamela Aidan grew up in small towns in southeast Pennsylvania but found her heart's home in the Pacific Northwest where she lives with her husband and a feisty miniature Australian Shepherd.

“admit it, man. He watched the shadows dance to the flicker of his candle, giving himself just a little more time before committing himself to what would change his life forever." You love her." He whispered the words quietly to himself so that he could hear them from his own lips." You love her.”
Pamela Aidan
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“Very comforting, that-choosing your truth. Makes life quite tolerable when lived on such terms, does it not? Well, at least for a bit.... Until one brushes up against another's truth whose fur does not lie in the same direction.”
Pamela Aidan
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“Of this he was certain: to be in her presence was to know delight in a more vivid sense than ever he had before.”
Pamela Aidan
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“He loved her. It was as simple and as complicated as that.”
Pamela Aidan
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“Your move should be determined by your strengths, not your opponent's expectations.' Darcy's smile deepened as he warmed to her allusion to fencing. 'Always move to your advantage.”
Pamela Aidan
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