Pamela Kay Walker photo

Pamela Kay Walker

I have been an author for many years, first published in 1976. My works span the genres from poetry to short stories, journal articles to theatrical plays, instructional materials to screen plays. "Moving Over the Edge, Artists with Disabilities" is my first full book.

Born and raised in Nebraska, I graduated from Denver University with dual degrees: Psychology and Sociology. I took graduate courses in Broadcasting, Journalism and Educational Media at Oregon State University, but gave up studying art to do art.

My experiences in the field of Arts Administration include consulting for The National Endowment for the Arts, The National Arts and Disability Center, BBC, PBS, and The Rockefeller Foundation. I served on multiple grant panels and planning committees. My final project before retiring was coordinating a 12-state conference for the Western Arts Federation.

In addition to multiple awards won for my video and radio work, I was:

* Presented with the 2005 Media Access Award of Merit by the California Governor's Committee

* Honored with an award category named for me in the Superfest International Media Festival on Disabilities

* Presented with Ever Widening Circle's Arts and Culture award in 2005 for 30 years of work opening doors for artists with disabilities.

* Named Berkeley's Woman of the Year

* Presented with KRON's "For Those Who Care" award

* Named one of New Mobility's Top 10 People of the Year

I am now learning the art of gardening.

“I don't do weddings, funerals or Tupperware parties.”
Pamela Kay Walker
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