Paramahamsa Nithyananda photo

Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Young enlightened master from India, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, has emerged as a compelling spiritual force of our millennium. Working and sharing with over 10 million people worldwide every year, Nithyananda is committed to bringing about a true inner awakening for all beings on our planet. A spiritual genius with an enlightened insight into everything from management to meditation, from relationships to religion, and from success to sannyas, Nithyananda brings to us a wealth of practical wisdom, meditation techniques and tools for lasting inner transformation. A powerful spiritual healer, Nithyananda has helped thousands of people fight back from diseases ranging from depression to cancer, often with a single touch. Nithyananda is currently ranked the No.1 spiritual guru on youtube, and the author of over 200 books in 28 global languages.

Today, Nithyananda is an inspiring personality for millions of people worldwide. His authenticity, depth of experience and his rare gift for making spirituality both practical and enjoyable have allowed Nithyananda's teachings to reach far and wide. A lucid orator, Nithyananda continues to reveal to the world the deeper dimensions of yoga and meditation drawn from the ancient mystic disciplines of the East. His mission is to create a new cycle of individual consciousness on planet Earth, enabling the collective human consciousness to take the quantum leap into superconsciousness.

Nithyananda Mission is a worldwide movement that helps people discover the simple secrets of conflict-free, productive and blissful living. To raise the collective consciousness of our planet, and provide a powerful spiritual anchor for the individual in these times of change, Nithyananda Mission aims to initiate at least 10 million people into the life-transforming meditation, eN-Kriya, and 100,000 people into jeevan mukti, living enlightenment.

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“Gratitude is the greatest prayer. Thank you is the greatest mantra.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda
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“Surrender is the ultimate technique to merge with existence.”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda
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“The Stone of Guilt in the River of the Mind, the block in the flow of intelligence.~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda”
Paramahamsa Nithyananda
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