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Pascal Bruckner

Pascal Bruckner is a French writer, one of the "New Philosophers" who came to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s. Much of his work has been devoted to critiques of French society and culture. He is the author of many books including The Tyranny of Guilt, Perpetual Euphoria and The Paradox of Love. He writes regularly for Le Nouvel Observateur.

“Totusi, destul de iute simplicitatea actului sexual m-a plictisit; in cele mai rele excese percepeam monotonie si patos mult. Oricat de puternica era desfatarea, ea nu era niciodata destul de puternica. Mi-am dat seama atunci ca trupul e limitat, spre deosebire de gand.”
Pascal Bruckner
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“Prefer oamenilor cărţile: sunt deja scrise, le deschizi, le închizi după voie. O fiinţă omenească, nu ştii niciodată de unde s-o apuci, nu poţi s-o rânduieşti sau s-o deplasezi după cum ţi-e cheful.”
Pascal Bruckner
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“‎"Imperfecţiunea este mult mai seducătoare decât plicticoasa regulariate. O figură emoţionantă este o asamblare de defecte armonios repartizate.”
Pascal Bruckner
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“حين تفشل الرأسمالية ، تثير نقمتنا بما تخلق من شدائد وحين تنجح تغيظنا بما تبثه من بشاعة وما تروجه من بضائع رديئة ، بضائع متراكمة لا حاجة إليها ، وكأن الاستهلاك المحموم أصبح الهدف الأقصى للحضارة الغربية ، ويترتب عن ذلك انكفاء الأفراد على أنفسهم ، وضعف اهتمامهم بالعالم ، فلا يرون في السياسة سوى امتداد لإدارة شركات تسمى فرنسا وألمانيا وإيطاليا وإسبانيا .”
Pascal Bruckner
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“By the duty to be happy, I thus refer to the ideology... that urges us to evaluate everything in terms of pleasure and displeasure...on the one hand, we have to make the most of our lives; on the other, we have to be sorry and punish ourselves if we don't succeed in doing so. This is a perversion of a very beautiful idea: that everyone has a right to control his own destiny and to improve his life.”
Pascal Bruckner
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“Ultimately, 'how's it going?' is the most futile and the most profound of questions. To answer it precisely, one would have to make a scrupulous inventory of one's psyche, considering each aspect in detail. No matter: we have to say 'fine' out of politeness and civility and change the subject, or else ruminate the question during our whole lives and reserve our reply for afterward.”
Pascal Bruckner
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“Ma leg mai ales de fiintele care n-au nevoie de mine si pe care deodata le inlantui prin cea mai puternica legatura. Sunt gata sa dau totul cui nu cere nimic, dar nu vreau sa cedez nimic cui asteapta totul de la celalalt.”
Pascal Bruckner
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