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Patricia Amaro

“So take a breath and smile, because my life and your life are beautiful.”
Patricia Amaro
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“A year will pass, and then another and things will keep on changing. The only thing we can all do is accept what we have no control over, and find the people willing to do anything in their power to smooth out the bumps in the boat and bob along with you through the waves. Because there is always someone willing to throw out a life jacket.”
Patricia Amaro
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“There is silence as she starts to fall back asleep. I listened to the rhythmic of her heart beat. If she was more alert would she notice the absence of mine? I fall into the cushioning of the pillow, wishing desperately for the opportunity to fall into a peaceful sleep. “You know what?” She says a few minutes later. “What?” “When we graduate and you go off and do whatever,” she pauses to yawn, “this is what I will miss the most.” “What’s that?” I said barely whispering. “You and me.” Seconds later her snoring returns.”
Patricia Amaro
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“There are people whose death leaves you with an ache of grief. A slight sting. And then there are people whose death stops time. Deaths that leave the sky murky all day long because even the sun is grieving. Deaths that shut down your muscles and stop the music. Deaths that turn every corner of your mind a shade of grey before they light up in a flame and shrivel away.”
Patricia Amaro
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“A hospital heals everything- from cancer to a cold- Maybe if I stayed here long enough someone would heal me too.”
Patricia Amaro
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