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Patrick McGrath

“Люблю сырость таких дней, сырость, сумрак и густые серые тучи, потому что лишь в такую погоду чувствую себя в ладу с миром.”
Patrick McGrath
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“Aveva perso il controllo. Non si controlla un innamoramento, mi disse, non è possibile. E la divertiva che fosse potuto accadere in questo modo, con quest'uomo. Un paziente. Un paziente che lavorava nell'orto. Stella, le dissi, non potevi fare una scelta più scriteriata. La verità, mi rispose, è che non ho scelto affatto.”
Patrick McGrath
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“All was strange in a fog, buildings grew vague, human beings groped and became lost, the landmarks, the compass points, by which they navigated melted into nothingness and the world was transfigured into a country of the blind. But if the sighted became blind, then the blind - and for some odd reason I have always regarded myself as one of the blind - the blind became sighted, and I remember felling at home in the fog, happily at ease in the murk and gloom that so confused my neighbors.”
Patrick McGrath
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“Stella realized then that Charlie's unhappiness had locked him out of this community as effectively as hers had, and she felt a dull sense of confirmation, she felt she might have known, this is the nature of people, they unerringly select as their victim the one who most needs their warmth.”
Patrick McGrath
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“I am not, as you will have observed, a man greatly enamored of his fellow human beings. I do not enter lightly into the foibles and whimsicalities of others, I do not suffer fools gladly, I seem able, in conversation, only to needle or be needled. My relationships, as a result, are few, and those few are tenuous, prickly sorts of arrangements, altogether lacking in the spontaneity and intimacy for which humans, I'm told, have an instinctive need. I am aware of no such instincts myself. ”
Patrick McGrath
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