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Patrick Rothfuss

It all began when Pat Rothfuss was born to a marvelous set of parents. Throughout his formative years they encouraged him to do his best, gave him good advice, and were no doubt appropriately dismayed when he failed to live up to his full potential.

In high-school Pat was something of a class clown. His hobbies included reading a novel or two a day and giving relationship advice to all his friends despite the fact that he had never so much as kissed a girl. He also role-played and wrote terrible stories about elves. He was pretty much a geek.

Most of Pat's adult life has been spent in the University Wisconsin Stevens Point. In 1991 he started college in order to pursue a career in chemical engineering, then he considered clinical psychology. In 1993 he quit pretending he knew what he wanted to do with his life, changed his major to "undecided," and proceeded to study whatever amused him. He also began writing a book....

For the next seven years Pat studied anthropology, philosophy, eastern religions, history, alchemy, parapsychology, literature, and writing. He studied six different martial arts, practiced improv comedy, learned how to pick locks, and became a skilled lover of women. He also began writing a satirical advice column which he continues to this day: The College Survivial Guide. Through all of this he continued to work on his novel.

In 2000 Pat went to grad school for English literature. Grad school sucked and Pat hated it. However, Pat learned that he loved to teach. He left in 2002 with his masters degree, shaking the dust from his feet and vowing never to return. During this period of time his novel was rejected by roughly every agent in the known universe.

Now Pat teaches half-time at his old school as an assistant-sub-lecturer. He is underpaid but generally left alone to do as he sees fit with his classes. He is advisor for the college feminists, the fencing club, and, oddly enough, a sorority. He still roll-plays occasionally, but now he does it in an extremely sophisticated, debonair way.

Through a series of lucky breaks, he has wound up with the best agent and editor imaginable, and the first book of his trilogy has been published under the title "The Name of the Wind."

Though it has only been out since April 2007, it has already been sold in 26 foreign countries and won several awards.

Pat has been described as "a rough, earthy iconoclast with a pipeline to the divine in everyone's subconscious." But honestly, that person was pretty drunk at the time, so you might want to take it with a grain of salt.

“That’s one of the best things about horror movies – they’re not real life. They’re like emotional cardio. They give us the chance to be terrified in a consequence-free environment.That’s the joy of all fiction, really: you get the benefit of experiencing something without the burden of having to actually experience it.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“La experiencia me ha enseñado que la mejor forma de protegerte es hacer creer a tus enemigos que no pueden hacerte daño.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Una llamada de ayuda atrae a los depredadores como el olor de la sangre transportado por el viento.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“La mejor venganza es ser feliz.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Era un sonido paciente e impasible como el de las flores cartadas; el silencio de un hombre que espera la muerte.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Y salí por la puerta haciendo ondear la capa detrás de mi. Soy Ruh hasta la médula, y cuando ha terminado la escena, sé salir del escenario.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Pero all no había nadie que pudiera ver cómo secedió todo. Y no había ningún Dios que guiara la rueda. Solo estaba yo.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Eres tan amable. Nunca me precionas...-Volvió a interrumpirse y se dejo caer un poco mas sobre mi pecho. Entonces se animó-. Podrías presionarme, ¿No? Un poco.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“-Era...- Kvothe tenía la cabeza tan agachada que parecía que hablaba con sus manos, recogidas sobre el regazo-. ¿Que estoy haciendo? -Dijo con voz débil, como si tuviera la boca llena de grises cenizas-. ¿Para qué puede servir esto? ¿Cómo puedo explicárosla si yo nunca la he entendido?”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Y la forma en que sujetaba el arpa entre sus piernas me hizo pensar en... bueno, en las cosas en que piensan continuamente los muchachos de quince años.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Ella esta ahora en los bastidores, a punto de salir a escena. Preparemos el escenario para su entrada...”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Fue una buena interpretación. Mi padre habría estado orgulloso de mí.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Esa parte de mí que todavía no se había marchado de Tarbean quiso echarle mano a su bolsillo.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Todo hombre sabio teme tres cosas: una tormenta en el mar, las noches sin luna y la ira un hombre amable”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“sooner begun is sooner done”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“No es mas que una persecución, y creo que compadezco a las mujeres castas que huyen y se pierden el final de la carrera”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“El amor es ciego, y sordomudo.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Los libros no son un gran sustituto de la compañía femenina, pero es más fácil encontrarlos.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“-Eres muy bueno. Creo que prefiero que me llames Denna. Cuando tú lo dices suena diferente. Dulce.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“-Pero bueno -dijo-, ¿Cómo iba a olvidar al chiquillo pelirrojo que me dejó para ir a la Universidad?”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Dijiste «Me preguntaba qué podrías estar haciendo aquí».- Hizo un gesto displicente-. Desde ese momento fui tuya.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“-No te calles por mi culpa, Kvothe -dijo con dulzura-. Echaría de menos el sonido de tu voz.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“-Me caen bien -dijo Denna-. Wilem es como una piedra bajo el agua. Simmon es como un chiquillo chapoteando en un arroyo.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“-Increíble -dijo Wilem, maravillado-. El todopoderoso Kvothe, vencido por una mujer.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“-Dice la verdad.Simmon lo miró.-¿Por qué lo dices?-Suena más sincero que cuando miente.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“-No me digas palabras tan dulces -protesté-. Lo que quieres es que ceda a tu voluntad, pero no lo conseguirás. ¡Tus halagos no son para mí más que viento! Denna se quedó mirándome, como si quisiera asegurarse de que había terminado mi diatriba.-De entre todos los árboles -dijo esbozando una sonrisa con sus elegantes labios-, el sauce es el que más se mueve según los deseos del viento.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“¡Es un asno muy culto, se le nota el porte! ¡Y por un penique de cobre te dejará que lo montes!”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Si estad leyendo esto, seguramente estoy muerto”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Zihnimizin sahip olduğu en büyük beceri belki de acıyla başa çıkmaktır. Klasik yaklaşım bize herkesin ihtiyacı doğrultusunda geçtiği dört kapı olduğunu öğretir.Birinci kapı uykudur. Uyku bize dünyadan ve onu dolduran tüm acıdan kaçabileceğimiz bir sığınak sağlar. Bir insan ağır yaralandığı zaman genellikle kendinden geçer. Aynı şekilde travmatik haberler alan birinin bayıldığı olur. Zihin ilk kapıdan işte böyle geçerek kedini acıdan korur.İkinci kapı unutmaktır. Bazı yaralar kısa zamanda kapanamayacak, hatta belki de asla iyileşemeyecek kadar derindir. Ayrıca bazı anılar o kadar azap vericidir ki onlara alışmak mümkün değildir. “Zaman tüm yaraları iyileştirir” sözü yanlıştır. Zaman çoğu yarayı iyileştirir. Geri kalanlar bu kapının ardında saklıdır.Üçüncü kapı deliliktir. Bazen insanın aklı öyle bir darbe alır ki kendini delilikte saklar. Bu ilk bakışta faydalı gözükmese bile öyledir. Gerçekliğin acıdan başka bir şey getirmediği zamanlar vardır ve bu acılardan sakınmak için zihnin gerçekliği geride bırakması gerekebilir.Dördüncü kapı ölümdür. Son sığınak. Öldükten sonra bizi hiçbir şey incitemez. Ya da en azından bize öyle söylenir.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Eres mi puerto seguro en un mar infinito y tempestuoso.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“>>Este es tu tercer regalo. Si te van mal las cosas, puedes quedarte conmigo en la subrealidad. Es un sitio agradable, y allí estarás a salvo.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“-Cuarenta talentos -dijo Devi con rabia -Tarifas del gremio. Y me acuesto contigo.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“How odd to watch a mortal kindle / Then to dwindle day by day / Knowing their bright souls are tinder / And the wind will have its way”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Small facts lead to great knowing.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Los huesos se sueldan. El arrepentimiento perdura para siempre”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Mis padres bailaron juntos; mi madre con la cabeza apoyada en el pecho de mi padre. Ambos tenían los ojos cerrados y parecían perfectamente satisfechos. Si encuentras a una persona así, alguien a quien puedas abrazar y con la que puedas cerrar los ojos a todo lo demás, puedes considerarte muy afortunado. Aunque solo dure un minuto, o un día. Después de tantos años, esa imagen de mis padres meciéndose suavemente al son de la música es, para mí, la imagen del amor.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“The desire for knowledge shapes a man.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“While it sounds interesting, it was really only a headache pressed between covers.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“El día que empezamos a preocuparnos por el futuro es el día que dejamos atrás nuestra infancia.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“I spoke it soft, but close enough to brush against her lips. I spoke it quiet, but near enough so that the sound of it went twining through her hair. I spoke it hard and firm and dark and sweet.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Chronicler froze. 'So you're saying I work for you?''I'm saying you belong to me.' Bast's face was deadly serious. 'Down to the marrow of your bones.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Do you know the saying Chan Vaen edan Kote?'I tried to puzzle it out. 'Seven years... I don't know Kote''Expect disaster every seven years,' he said.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Close your mouth, E'lir Kvothe, or I will feel obliged to put some vile tonic in it.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Porque eres demasiado entusiasta para tener la paciencia necesario -me contestó con ligereza-. Eres demasiado orgulloso para escuchar como es debido. Y eres demasiado listo. Eso es lo peor”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Creedme: Esos hombres no saben nada del amor.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Tienes una piedra en el corazón, y hay días en que pesa tanto que no se puede hacer nada.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“Con la edad se deterioran muchas cosas. Las manos y la espalda cobran rigidez. La visión empeora. La piel se vuelve áspera y la belleza se apaga.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“To deem us simply enemies is to lose the true flavor of our relationship. It was more like the two of us entered into a business partnership in order to more efficiently pursue our mutual interest of hating each other.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“We were none of us particularly drunk. But then again, none of us were particularly sober either. Our exact positioning between these two points is a matter of pointless conjecture, and I will waste no time on it.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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“He was giving me enough rope to hang myself with. Apparently he didn't realize that once a noose is tied it will fit one neck as easily as another.”
Patrick Rothfuss
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