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Paul Collier

Paul Collier, CBE is a Professor of Economics, Director for the Centre for the Study of African Economies at the University of Oxford and Fellow of St Antony's College. He is the author of The Plundered Planet; Wars, Guns, and Votes; and The Bottom Billion, winner of Estoril Distinguished Book Prize, the Arthur Ross Book Award, and the Lionel Gelber Prize.

“Most conduct is guided by norms rather than by laws. Norms are voluntary and are effective because they are enforced by peer pressure.”
Paul Collier
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“And so a miserable but possible scenario is that countries in the bottom billion oscillate between the traps and limbo, perhaps switching in the process from one trap to another..Let me be clear: we cannot rescue them. The societies of the bottom billion can only be rescued from within. In every society of the bottom billion there are people working for change, but usually they are defeated by the powerful internal forces stacked against them. We should be helping the heroes. So far, our efforts have been paltry: through inertia, ignorance, and incompetence, we have stood by and watched them lose.Let me be clear: we cannot rescue them. These societies of the bottom billion can only be rescued from within.”
Paul Collier
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“Pressure works, but it needs to be organized. This is the domain of the NGOs and the rock stars.”
Paul Collier
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“Politicians would only move beyond gestures once there was a critical mass of informed citizens.”
Paul Collier
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“Electorates tend to get the politicians they deserve.”
Paul Collier
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“The critical changes in trade policy... are politically difficult not because they threaten interests (they don't) but because they do not fit into any of the current slogans and so don't make it onto the agenda.”
Paul Collier
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“The aid agencies are not run by fools. they are full of intelligent people severely constrained by what public opinion permits.”
Paul Collier
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“The key obstacle to reforming aid is public opinion.. Public opinion drives them into the "I care" photo opportunities that dominate aid.”
Paul Collier
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“You are a citizen, and citizenship carries responsibilities.”
Paul Collier
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“Elections determine who is in power, but they do not determine how power is used.”
Paul Collier
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“Launching a turnaround takes courage. I cannot measure that and so it is not going to be included in my analysis, but behind the moments of change there are always a few people within these societies who have decided to try to make a difference.”
Paul Collier
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“Persuading everyone to behave decently to each other because the society is so fragile is a worthy goal, but it may be more straightforward just to make the societies less fragile, which means developing their economies.”
Paul Collier
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“Suppose a country starts its independence with the three economic characteristics that globally make a country prone to civil war: low income, slow growth, and dependence upon primary commodity exports. It is playing Russian roulette. That is not just an idle metaphor: the risk that a country in the bottom billion falls into civil war in any five-year period is nearly one in six, the same risk facing a player of Russian roulette.”
Paul Collier
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“Rebels usually have something to complain about, and if they don't they make it up. All too often the really disadvantaged are in no position to rebel; they just suffer quietly.”
Paul Collier
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“Not all developing countries are the same.”
Paul Collier
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“Poverty is not intrinsically a trap, otherwise we would all still be poor.”
Paul Collier
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“Change in the societies at the very bottom must come predominantly from within; we cannot impose it on them.”
Paul Collier
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“Without an informed electorate, politicians will continue to use the bottom billion merely for photo opportunities, rather than promoting real transformation.”
Paul Collier
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