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Paul Reiser

“Marriage is just an elaborate game that allows two selfish people to periodically feel that they're not.”
Paul Reiser
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“And ultimately, they find out everything: How you chew, how you sip, how you hum, how you dance. How you smell at every point in the day, how you are on the phone with your mother, the fact that many of your friends are shallow, that you always have to sit on the aisle, how you never really listen, how whiny you get when you travel, how you’re not gracious to her friends when they call, how certain game shows make you really really happy, how cranky you get because you’re too stupid to remember to eat, how you manage to get confrontational only when it’s with the absolute wrong person to be yelling at, how you don’t like the way you look in any picture you’ve taken since 1973, how you’re unable to get off the phone when you’re running late because you don’t have the ability to say, “This isn’t a good time; can I call you back?” How you have to lick certain fruits before actually eating them, how you have no ability to save receipts - all these things, and they still want to sign on. They still like you.”
Paul Reiser
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“Sometimes it works out well, and certain household responsibilities fall naturally to those who like doing them.For example, my wife likes to pack suitcases, I like to unpack them.My wife likes to buy groceries, I like to put them away. I do. I like the handling and discovering, and the location assignments.Cans - over there. Fruit - over there. Bananas - not so fast. You go over here. When you learn not to go bad so quickly, then you can stay with the rest of your friends.”
Paul Reiser
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“When two people live in one place, their individual habits get amplified.For example: I'm not lazy. But I don't like to move a whole lot. I mean, if I am doing something, I'll do it. I'm as active as the next guy. But if I'm sitting, I don't like to get up. Even if I'm facing the wrong way.If I'm talking to someone whose chair isn't quite facing me, I'll talk to the side of their head. If I sit down and realize the TV is angled wrong, I won't get up to adjust. I'll watch it like that. I'll sit there and wait til someone walks by and ask them to move the TV.”
Paul Reiser
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“There are two types of people in life - those who get it and those who don't.”
Paul Reiser
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