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Paul Sloane

Paul Sloane read Engineering at Trinity Hall Cambridge. He came top of Sales School at IBM, became MD of Ashton-Tate UK, VP International for MathSoft and CEO of Monactive. He now writes, speaks and gives workshops on lateral thinking in business, creativity, innovation and leadership. He is married and lives in Camberley in Surrey. He has three grown-up daughters. He is a keen chess and tennis player and he plays keyboards in a rock band, the Fat Cats. He has written a series of lateral thinking puzzle books, many co-authored with Des MacHale, published by Sterling Publishing. They have sold over 2 million copies and been translated into many languages. He has also written two management books, published by Kogan Page, and many articles for blogs and websites. He manages the Lateral Puzzles Forum where puzzlers can set and solve lateral puzzles.

“The innovative leader has to be an arsonist and a firefighter.”
Paul Sloane
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“The innovator's motto is this; I succeed or I learn but I never fail.”
Paul Sloane
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“Fail often and fail cheap.”
Paul Sloane
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“Only do what only you can do.”
Paul Sloane
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“Implementing best practice is copying yesterday, innovation is inventing tomorrow.”
Paul Sloane
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