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Paul Xavier Jones

Paul Xavier Jones is married to Amanda and has two daughters, Ameca and Fraya. He worked for a multi-national global corporation as an Engineer and Engineering Manager, and was lucky enough to see some of the world through that job, travelling to North and South America, Europe and the Far East.

He left the electronics industry in 2001 to become a consultant, providing advice, support and training to manufacturing businesses across the UK. In 2007 he left to set up his own business, and currently runs two of them, providing support to businesses, but in particular to Legal businesses where he has developed an expertise in regulatory issues.

Paul had his first book, "An Agent For Change" published in 2007 by Eloquent Books. This was a fictional novel about his experiences as a consultant. On its release, both his children complained that they would like to read a book by him about something they would like, so he began work on the Ameca J series, which are published by, or will be shortly, Storyteller Books. There are 4 books in the fantasy series, and he plans to write another 2 in 2013. He wrote a contemporary science fiction thriller "Boundary Limit" and self published it in 2010. His ambitions are to become so successful as an author so that he can give up his day job and write books that will entertain the world.

“Britain isn't a world power any more. Its just like a zombie in that regard; it doesn't know when it's dead - Samson from No Boundaries.”
Paul Xavier Jones
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