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Paula Wiseman

After working several years as research chemist, Paula was blessed with the opportunity to stay home with her children and follow the writer’s path. She was published in several Cup of Comfort devotional books and in Life Savors for Women. Contingency: Book One: Covenant of Trust Series, her debut novel, spent time on the Christian Fiction bestsellers list, and was also the #1 Hot New Release in Christian Fiction. Indemnity, her second novel released spring 2011. She blogs on matters of life and faith at

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Paula on writing-

"So many people question that Scripture is relevant, that it has the answers for us in this day and age, that it can speak to the deepest cries of our hearts.

I believe God's word IS relevant, it DOES have the answers for us even in this day and age and it absolutely CAN speak to the deepest cries of our hearts.

I write to demonstrate that."

“You know, the Bible says God never puts more on you than you can bear, right? You are carrying as much as you can right now. Whether or not that’s more or less than what I can handle is irrelevant. Suffering is not a contest”
Paula Wiseman
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