The Brazilian author PAULO COELHO was born in 1947 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Before dedicating his life completely to literature, he worked as theatre director and actor, lyricist and journalist. In 1986, PAULO COELHO did the pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella, an experience later to be documented in his book The Pilgrimage. In the following year, COELHO published The Alchemist. Slow initial sales convinced his first publisher to drop the novel, but it went on to become one of the best selling Brazilian books of all time. Other titles include Brida (1990), The Valkyries (1992), By the river Piedra I sat Down and Wept (1994), the collection of his best columns published in the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo entitle Maktub (1994), the compilation of texts Phrases (1995), The Fifth Mountain (1996), Manual of a Warrior of Light (1997), Veronika decides to die (1998), The Devil and Miss Prym (2000), the compilation of traditional tales in Stories for parents, children and grandchildren (2001), Eleven Minutes (2003), The Zahir (2005), The Witch of Portobello (2006) and Winner Stands Alone (to be released in 2009). During the months of March, April, May and June 2006, Paulo Coelho traveled to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostella in 1986. He also held surprise book signings - announced one day in advance - in some cities along the way, to have a chance to meet his readers. In ninety days of pilgrimage the author traveled around the globe and took the famous Transiberrian train that took him to Vladivostok. During this experience Paulo Coelho launched his blog Walking the Path - The Pilgrimage in order to share with his readers his impressions. Since this first blog Paulo Coelho has expanded his presence in the internet with his daily blogs in Wordpress, Myspace & Facebook. He is equally present in media sharing sites such as Youtube and Flickr, offering on a regular basis not only texts but also videos and pictures to his readers. From this intensive interest and use of the Internet sprang his bold new project: The Experimental Witch where he invites his readers to adapt to the screen his book The Witch of Portobello. Indeed Paulo Coelho is a firm believer of Internet as a new media and is the first Best-selling author to actively support online free distribution of his work.
“Even though I complain sometimes," it said, "it's because I'm the heart of a person, and people's hearts are that way. People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don't deserve them, or that they'll be unable to achieve them.”
“Love is only a word, until someone arrives to give it meaning.Don't give up. Remember, it's always the last key on the key ring that opens the door.”
“Allowing someone else to make us happy will make them happy too.”
“Love rules, but no one knows where it has its throne; in order to know that secret place, you must first submit to Love.”
“Aujourd'hui, quelque part, un trésor vous attend. Ce peut être un petit sourire, ce peut être une grande conquête, peu importe. La vie est faite de petits et de grands miracles. Rien n'est ennuyeux, car tout change constamment. L'ennui n'est pas dans le monde, mais dans la manière dont nous voyons le monde.”
“- Your hand is small, yet it can completely cover the power, light and majesty of the great sun. In the same way, the small problems manage to give you the excuse you need in order to hinder your progress along your spiritual journey.”
“Until one day when, as well as his spiritual death, physical death appears; at that moment God will ask: "what did you do with your life?" We must all answer this question, and woe betides those who answer: "I remained standing at the door.”
“Does a leaf, when it falls from the tree in winter, feel defeated by the cold?The tree says to the leaf:"That’s the cycle of life. You may think you’re going to die, but you live on in me. It’s thanks to you that I’m alive, because I can breathe. It’s also thanks to you that I have felt loved, because I was able to give shade to the weary traveller. Your sap is in my sap; we are one thing.”
“If you are never alone, you cannot know yourself.”
“solitude is not absence of love, but its complement”
“Defeat ends when we launch into another battle. Failure has no end: it is a lifetime choice.”
“I am love, I am music, she thinks. Let’s dance.”
“I fell asleep and dreamed that life was only Happiness.I woke and discovered that life was Duty.I did my Duty and discovered that life was Happiness.”
“- You are better, do not worry - she said. - In fact, when we light up our inner light, the first things we see are the cobwebs and dust, our weak points. They were there all the time, only you saw nothing in the darkness. Now it will be easier to cleanse your soul.”
“In the same way, there is no explanation of life. But there is a reason we are here, and you must be humble enough to accept that. Trust what I say; the life of each human being has a meaning, although he commits the error of spending the greater part of his time on earth seeking an answer, and meanwhile forgets to live.”
“Near Tokyo lived a great Samurai warrior, now old, who decided to teach Zen Buddhism to young people. In spite of his age, the legend was that he could defeat any adversary.”
“only the defeated know LOVE.because it is in the realm of love that wefight our first battles - and generally lose ........”
“Mida õnnelikum on inimesel võimalik olla, seda õnnetum ta on.”
“Un gaismas bruņinieks klusībā pārliek: "Kāpēc es tik daudz runāju.? Bieži vien es taču nespēju piepildīt to, ko pats sludinu."Bet sirds atbild: "Citiem izklāstot savus uzskatus, tu esi spiests dzīvot saskaņā ar tiem."Un, ticēdams, ka viņš ir tas, par ko runā, gaismas bruņinieks ar laiku pārvēršas par to, ko sacījis.”
“Taču gaismas bruņinieks zina, ka nojausma ir Dieva alfabēts, un mierīgi turpina klausīties vējos un sarunāties ar zvaigznēm.”
“When you want something, he entire universe conspires to help you achieve it.”
“Nunca podemos juzgar la vida de los demás, porque cada uno sabe de su propio dolor y de su propia renuncia. Una cosa es suponer que uno está en el camino cierto; otra es suponer que ese camino es el único.”
“For those who are not frightened by the solitude, everything will have a different taste.In solitude, they will discover the love that might otherwise arrive unnoticed. In solitude, they will understand and respect the love that left them.In solitude, they will be able to decide whether it is worth asking that lost love to come back or if they should simply let it go and set off along a new path.In solitude, they will learn that saying ‘No’ does not always show a lack of generosity and that saying ‘Yes’ is not always a virtue.And those who are alone at this moment, need never be frightened by the words of the devil: ‘You’re wasting your time.’Or by the chief demon’s even more potent words: ‘No one cares about you.’The Divine Energy is listening to us when we speak to other people, but also when we are still and silent and able to accept solitude as a blessing.And when we achieve that harmony, we receive more than we asked for.”
“It's called the principle of favorability, beginner's luck. Because life wants to achieve your destiny.”
“All things are one.”
“In order to find the treasure, you will have to follow the omens. God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left for you.”
“God uses silence to teach us to use words responsibly. He uses tiredness so that we can understand the value of waking up. He uses illness to underline the blessing of good health.God uses fire to teach us about water. He uses earth to explain the value of air. He uses death to show us the importance of life.”
“The world speaks many languages, the boy thought”
“Show me where there is life in the desert. Only those who can see such signs of life are able to find treasure.”
“El amor es la fuerza que nos reúne otra vez, para condensar la experiencia esparcida en muchas vidas.”
“Es justamente la posibilidad de realizar un sueño lo que hace la vida interesante.”
“And to those who believe that adventures are i say try routine: it kills you far more quickly.”
“Don't try to be useful. Try to be yourself: that is enough & that makes all the difference.”
“At life's most significant moments, we are always alone”
“Der chronisch Verbitterte bemerkte seine Krankheit nur einmal in der Woche: am Sonntagnachmittag. Dann, wenn weder seine Arbeit noch die Routine ihm halfen, die Symptome zu lindern, bemerkte er, daß irgend etwas nicht stimmte. Denn der Frieden dieser Nachmittage war die reinste Hölle, die Zeit verging nicht, und er war ständig gereizt.Doch dann wurde es wieder Montag, und der Verbitterte vergaß seine Symptome, auch wenn er schimpfte, daß er niemals Zeit hätte, sich auszuruhen, und sich darüber beklagte, daß die Wochenenden immer so schnell vergingen.”
“Sehr gut. Ihre Antwort ist logisch, kohärent, die eines ganz normalen Menschen: eine Krawatte!Ein Verrückter würde jedoch sagen, daß ich ein buntes, lächerliches, nutzloses, auf komplizierte Weise geschlungenes Stück Stoff um den Hals trage, das die Beweglichkeit des Kopfes einschränkt und uns zwingt, tiefer zu atmen, damit Luft in die Lunge gelangt. Wenn ich in der Nähe eines Ventilators bin und nicht aufpasse, kann dieses Stück Stoff mich erwürgen.”
“Without solitude, Love will not stay long by your side.”
“Defeat is for the valiant. Only they will know the honor of losing and the joy of winning.”
“Defeat is for those who, despite their fears, live with enthusiasm and faith.”
“Only he who gives up is defeated. Everyone else is victorious.”
“In the cycle of nature there is no such thing as victory or defeat; there is only movement.”
“Our task is not to leave a record of what happened on this date for those who will inherit the Earth; history will take care of that.”
“None of us can know what tomorrow will hold, because each day has its good and its bad moments.”
“Life will undertake to separate us, and we must each set off in search of our own path, our own destiny or our own way of facing death.”
“At these times, the adversary appears holding two boards.Written on one board: “Think more of yourself. Keep your blessings to yourself, otherwise you will lose everything.”The other board reads: “who are you to help others? Can’t you even see your own defects?”A warrior of the light knows he has defects. But he also knows he cannot grow alone, and distance himself from his companions.So he throws both boards to the ground, even though he believes they contain some truth deep down. They turn to dust, and the warrior continues to help those near him.”
“..there is nothing worse than the feeling that no one cares whether we exist or not, that no one is interested in what we have to say about life, and that the world can continue turning without our awkward presence. I began to imagine how many millions of people were, at that moment, feeling utterly useless and wretched—however rich, charming, and delightful they might be—because they were alone that night, as they were yesterday, and as they might well be tomorrow.”
“when you really want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”
“icen que a lo largo de nuestra vida tenemos dos grandes amores; uno con el que te casas o vives para siempre, puede que el padre o la madre de tus hijos, esa persona con la que consigues la compenetración máxima para estar el resto de tu vida junto a ella.Y dicen que hay un segundo gran amor, una persona que perderás siempre. Alguien con quien naciste conectado, tan conectado que las fuerzas de la química escapan a la razón y te impedirá, siempre, alcanzar un final feliz. Hasta que cierto día dejarás de intentarlo. Te rendirás y buscarás a esa otra persona que acabarás encontrando.Pero te aseguro que no pasarás una sola noche sin necesitar otro beso suyo, o tan siquiera discutir una vez más. Todos sabéis de qué estoy hablando, porque mientras estabais leyendo esto os ha venido su nombre a la cabeza.Te librarás de él o de ella, dejarás de sufrir, conseguirás encontrar la paz (le sustituirás por la calma), pero te aseguro que no pasará un día en que desees que estuviera aquí para perturbarte…Porque, a veces, se desprende más energía discutiendo con alguien a quien amas que haciendo el amor con alguien a quien aprecias.”
“Never miss an opportunity to show your love, especially to those close to you, because we are always at our most cautious with them for fear of being hurt.”
“Excessive caution destroys the soul and the heart, because living is an act of courage, and an act of courage is always an act of love.”