Pedro Juan Gutierrez photo

Pedro Juan Gutierrez

“Es que el sexo no es para gente escrupulosa. El sexo es un intercambio de líquidos, de fluidos, saliva, aliento y olores fuertes, orina, semen, mierda, sudor, microbios, bacterias. O no es. Si sólo es ternura y espiritualidad etérea entonces se queda en una parodia estéril de lo que pudo ser. Nada.”
Pedro Juan Gutierrez
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“I went into the house. I put on Jimi Hendrix's 'Red House' at full volume, filled the glass to the brim with rum, without ice, and went back to the terrace. To gaze at the night and the dark sea and the night.”
Pedro Juan Gutierrez
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“Reality is always too complicated - that's why it's ungraspable.”
Pedro Juan Gutierrez
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“Life isn't long enough to enjoy and understand all at the same time. You have to decide which is more important”
Pedro Juan Gutierrez
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“It's dizzying to think how huge the world is, or to realize how tiny you are”
Pedro Juan Gutierrez
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“Cuba may be the only place in the world where you can be yourself and more than yourself at the same time”
Pedro Juan Gutierrez
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“Despues pinto un poco. Hay tranquilidad y silencio en estos dias y aprovecho que puedo concentrarme. La soledad. Quizas uno escribe y pinta no solo para crear un espacio de libertad alrededor, sino tambien para sentirse acompaNado. No exactamente para romper la soledad. No se trata de eso. La soledad siempre estA ahI. La siento, la toco, hablo con ella. Forma parte de mi vida. La soledad es inevitable. Y ayuda. Me concentro mas. Soy mas yo cuando convivimos bien apretaditos: la soledad y yo. Nos adoramos. No podria vivi sin la translation:Later I paint a little bit. There's tranquility and silence in these days and I benefit from being able to concentrate. Loneliness. Maybe one writes and paints not only to create a space of freedom, but rather also to feel accompanied. Not exactly to break loneliness. It's not about that. Loneliness is always there. I feel it. I touch it. I talk with it. It forms part of my life. Loneliness is inevitable. And it helps. I concentrate more. I'm more me when we live pushed together: loneliness and me. We worship each other. I couldn't live with out loneliness.”
Pedro Juan Gutierrez
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