Peggy Webb. USA Today Bestseller, is the author of more than 100 novels. Her thrillers and literary novels have topped Amazon charts. A former adjunct instructor of writing at Mississippi State University, Millions of her novels have sold around the world in more than 25 languages. Peggy is the most prolific writer her home state of Mississippi has ever produced, and she is considered one of the most beloved and iconic authors in the business. Pat Conroy calls her literary work "astonishing," Kathie Fong Yoneda labels it "brilliant," and readers consider her books "Must Reads." Peggy's has won numerous awards, including many Reviewer's Choice, the Maggie, a Waldenbooks Award for #1 Bestseller of the Year, several Word Weaving Award of Excellence, and the prestigious Pioneer Award for creating the subgenre of romantic comedy. One of her novels was submitted for a Pulitzer. Peggy also writes under the pen names, Anna Michaels and Elaine Hussey.
Peggy is an accomplished pianist and singer, and has graced the stage of her local community theater in roles such as M'lynn in Steel Magnolias (played by Sally Field in the movie), and the White Witch in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. She composed the blues lyrics she credited to her characters in two of her books, including her latest thriller series from Bookouture, the Logan Sisters. She passed her love of music to her family. Her son plays guitar and harmonica, her daughter and two granddaughters sing, her youngest grandson plays piano, and her grandson David Webb made the gorgeous photographs that appear through her new, state-of-the-art website. For her latest news, visit her website at, stop by her blog to leave a note, and contact her with any questions. She appreciates her fans and loves hearing what you think.
* Westmoreland Diaries
* A Southern Cousins Mystery
“You're so arrogant, you're almost macho.”
“You like playing with fire, don't you, Paul?""Only since I met you." -Paul and Martie”
“He smiled, which was not at all what she'd expected. It wasn't just a polite smile, either. It was the kind that made her want to sit on the front-porch swing, if she'd had a swing, and hum romantic songs from the thirties, those terrific old songs that talked about red sails in the sunset and the glory of love.”
“Matt felt vindicated. See. If he'd rushed things and let his passion get the upper hand he might not have learned whether she like beef.”
“By George, the next time he found himself on the road all alone late at night, he was going to whistle along to every damn song on the radio."That'll show them," he snarled, though he had no idea who he'd be showing nor why he nearly tore the knob off when he shut off the radio.”
“How could she be sorry about losing her virginity in a romance-novel way on a sunset sail?”
“Careful, Sandi. You're about to let your bulldog mouth overload your bird-dog bite.”
“Every time she shut her eyes she saw herself wrapped in his arms in the middle of that beautiful bed just right for conceiving children.”
“He hadn't eaten a bite of breakfast, sex always made him hungry. Suddenly Matt realized he was starving.”
“Fortunately she spread nothing except food on the beckoning cloth, and his sanity partially returned.”
“Not that he was any expert on the subject, but Matt believed he could tell a lot about a woman by observing the way she watched a sunset.”
“She tilted her face to his, and he discovered that kissing her was something he didn't have to train for by reading a book. It came naturally.”
“Things would have turned out differently if he'd been wearing shoes. A shoeless man is a defenseless man. A shoeless man can't be held responsible for his actions.”
“Matt found that endearing. And disturbing in ways he didn't want to acknowledge.”
“Sandi couldn't bear to read about other people falling in love and having babies while her own arms and worms were so painfully empty.”
“How could he try to get Sandi to reveal her true colors when she was a rainbow?”
“Too bad all that beautiful cleavage had to be wasted on a man-eating floozy.”
“I don't play solitaire. It seems so lonely, somehow.”
“You're wearing a lace thong?" Dolly clapped her hands. "That's absolutely perfect for romance.”
“The jangle of the telephone rousted Matt out of a deep sleep. He never dreamed. Dreams were too messy.”
“He doesn't jingle my chimes.”
“After all, he was human, in spite of rumors to the contrary.”
“She was a beautiful woman, fresh-scrubbed and wholesome. Just like his ex-fiancee. A heartless floozy in disguise.”