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Penelope King

Penelope King is the author of several bestselling Young Adult fantasy-romance novels, including the "Spellbound Trilogy" and the "Demonblood Series."

Penelope graduated from the University of California, Irvine and currently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina

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“I stood there, shocked. I'd never hugged a perfect stranger before, but maybe this was how people in California did things.”
Penelope King
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“No, he wasn't like them at all. And even though my experience with the opposite sex was pitifully non-existent, this was someone I wanted to know. Someone I needed to know. Someone I needed to have know me.”
Penelope King
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“For there to be light, there must be darkness. For there to be joy, there must be sorrow. For there to be beauty, there must be the grotesque.”
Penelope King
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“Of course, I'm only joking," he says, studying me. "The reason they're staring is because I am extraordinarily good looking.”
Penelope King
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