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Pepper Phillips

Pepper Phillips wrote her first play in the seventh grade.

Before that she read every book in her age group at the small local library.

An only child, she entertained herself in the worlds she created in her mind.

She's still pretty mindless in some respects, but her writing world is where she is the happiest.

She ventured into self-publishing in 2011.

“So, there is a God protecting the innocent. Too bad, he didn't act sooner.”
Pepper Phillips
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“Never scorn a woman. They get violent.”
Pepper Phillips
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“An old expression--'she looks like she was weaned on a pickle'--came to my mind.”
Pepper Phillips
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“All that mattered in life, that someone loved you even though you had faults.”
Pepper Phillips
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“She laughed and said how silly we were to not accept life for what it was, difficult.”
Pepper Phillips
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“I've been stabbed lately with life.”
Pepper Phillips
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“Sometimes that's all you get out of life. Great shoes.”
Pepper Phillips
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