Per Nilsson photo

Per Nilsson

Per Håkan Stefan Nilsson (living in Sölvesborg, Sweden since 1981) worked as a music teacher before becoming a full time author in 1999, but his debut was in 1986 with Mellan vakna och somna. He has written over 30 novels, novellas, and children's books, and his works have been translated to over 20 languages.

He also wrote the film script for

A Different Way

which was based on his novel Ett annat sätt att vara ung; furthermore, a Swedish TV series was based on his most known work Heart's Delight. Between 1997 and 2010 he was a member of the Swedish Academy for Children's Books. He is still writing to this day.

On Rabén & Sjögren's page for Per Nilsson, he writes this about himself:"I think I became a writer because I am a dad. I started writing to my own kids to tell them about myself as a young boy, and told them, amongst other things, about a 11 or 12 year old who wandered around in Malmö, head filled with daydreams and fantasies, crashing into the hard reality in the form of street lights again and again. That was me. I put the scenes from my memories together to a story and sent it to a competition, wich became my first book."


1992 - Rabén & Sjögren's contest "Best Love Story"

1997 - Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis

1997 - Nils Holgersson Plaque

1998 - ABF's Literature

1999 - Astrid Lindgren Prize

1999 - The Dutch Silver Kiss Award

2003 - Expressen's Heffaklump

2006 - August Prize (also nominated in 1994, 1998, 2000 and 2002)

2006 - Los Angeles Times Book Prize

2017 - En bok för alla's Reading-promotion Prize

“Ik hoorde hoe flauw ik klonk. Als iemand die wel praat maar niets zegt.”
Per Nilsson
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“But there is me.And you. Somewhere out there, there's you.And I'm glad there's you. And I'm glad that I know thatthere's you.And somewhere, in a remote corner somewhere,there's a little we. A little we that will still be there no matterwhat happens now.First-person plural: We.I. And you.We.”
Per Nilsson
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