Pete Greig is the bewildered founder of the 24-7 Prayer movement which has spread into more than half the nations on earth.
He is also the Senior Pastor of Emmaus Rd, Guildford, Ambassador for the NGO Tearfund, and an Associate Tutor at St Mellitus Theological College, London.
His latest book, ‘How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People’ is a companion volume to The Prayer Course (, which has been downloaded more than a million times. His previous title, ‘Dirty Glory’, was UK Christian Book of the year in 2017.
He preaches and teaches around the world and co-hosts two British festivals: Wildfires and the Big Church Day Out which attracts 30,000 people each year.
Pete’s passions include T.S. Eliot, Portsmouth F.C. and ‘Little Mo’, a 1964 Morris Minor convertible which he has lovingly restored by hand.
“Too many people are missing their destiny a year at a time because they're too scared to think in decades!" (p. 127)”