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Peter Abelard

Nominalist application of French theologian, philosopher, and composer Peter Abelard or Pierre Abélard of the principles of ancient Greek logic to the doctrines of the medieval Catholic Church led to charges of heresy; after his pupil Héloise, his pupil and the object of his lust affair, bore him a child, he secretly married her, whose angered family castrated him, after which he served as a monk.

The equally famous preeminent and perhaps the greatest of the Middle Ages during his life as a poet perhaps also ranked of his day, his ideas earned more converts and less condemnation. In all areas, brilliant, innovative, and controversial Abélard, a genius, knew and made no apologies. His vast knowledge, wit, charm, and even arrogance drew a generation of finest minds of Europe to Paris to learn.

“I had wished to find in philosophy and religion a remedy for my disgrace; I searched out an asylum to secure me from love... duty, reason and decency, which upon other occasions have some power over me, are here useless. The Gospel is a language I do not understand when it opposes my passion... but when love has once been sincere how difficult it is to determine to love no more! ’Tis a thousand times more easy to renounce the world than love. I hate this deceitful, faithless world; I think no more of it...”
Peter Abelard
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“Assiduous and frequent questioning is indeed the first key to wisdom... for by doubting we come to inquiry; through inquiring we perceive the truth...”
Peter Abelard
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“By doubting we are led to enquiry, and by enquiry we discern the truth.”
Peter Abelard
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“For my part, the more I went forward in the study of letters, and ever more easily, the greater became the ardour of my devotion to them, until in truth I was so enthralled by my passion for learning that, gladly leaving to my brothers the pomp of glory in arms, the right of heritage and all the honours that should have been mine as the eldest born, I fled utterly from the court of Mars that I might win learning in the bosom of Minerva. And -- since I found the armory of logical reasoning more to my liking than the other forms of philosophy, I exchanged all other weapons for these, and to the prizes of victory in war I preferred the battle of minds in disputation.”
Peter Abelard
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“By doubting we come to enquiry, and through enquiry we perceive truth.”
Peter Abelard
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“The key to wisdom is this -- constant and frequent questioning ... for by doubting we are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the truth.”
Peter Abelard
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