Peter Lockhart (1954- ) was born in Auckland, New Zealand, to a Cornish mother. He circumnavigated the globe by ship by age 4, and spent some time in a Catholic Orphanage in Cornwall. He went to Australia in 1958. For twenty three years he had a career in the financial services industry. His first book, "The Naked Emperor: Why Religion is Bollocks," was first published in 2011. This book is his contribution to the discussion regarding the rise of atheism in the new millennium, and it was inspired by the books of Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. The book has been well received and it discusses the personal real life experiences of the author and his reasons for rejecting religion.
“A good person hates lies. A bad person hates the truth.”
“MacDonald’s cannot be sued because ofthe toxic and deadly garbage they peddle to people to eat. What the US Government has done is give these peddlers of poison a license to kill like James Bond, but not with a gun, with a Hamburger.”
“The truth about people does not lie in what they say but what they do.”
“Make no mistake dear reader, this Depression was deliberately visited upon the world by the corrupt enemy within the halls of power in the United States of America, who with their poison words of deceit, have in the name of free enterprise and prosperity, by the destruction of regulations put into place after the last Depression, have repeated history with this one.”
“The way I see it right now, the United States of America has destroyed itself, or is destroying itself from within, thus making it vulnerable to being conquered from without. The UnitedStates of America is corrupt, as it has no rule of law, and little or no prudential regulation and supervision. The Global Financial Crisis, make no mistake about it, is a global Depression even worse, than the Great Depression of the 1930s, and was caused by the same thing – rampant corruption, and it will result in the same thing – World War.”
“I asked at my local cinema, if they were going to show Anna Karenina, they said no, but they had Anaconda.”
“There will be a lot of young men returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan, who have seen terrible things, and who know all about the “loved and lost”, and they will be acting out their grief with reckless behaviour. When I see broken hearted young men, abusing alcohol and angry and trying to make sense of the senseless, I know and understand from my own experiences, something of what they have gone through.”
“Therefore I call a spade a spade, and not a flat bladed instrument for the redistribution of granular matter.”
“the vast majority of Christians have not, and do not ever, read the Bible. They just read tiny little bits of it, if that, and accept the whole concept of their religion, without any thought at all.”
“If everyone is doing it, and everyone thinks it is right – don't do it, because it's wrong. There is no easy road to riches. For most people there is no road to riches at all.”
“The history of religion is the history of appalling violence, slaughter and sexual abuses, rationalised by the fairy tales of religious delusions.”
“Socrates put it perfectly in financial matters at least: “The majority is always wrong.”
“one can in fact trust a four hundred pound male gorilla, before one can ever trust a Roman Catholic priest”
“The China Bubble is the biggestbubble in history, and the bigger the bubble, the bigger the bust. Therewill be blood in the streets, and no doubt about it. Even whole countrieswill go broke.”
“China is now, without doubt, the Mother of all Bubbles, and it will soonbe the mother of all economic disasters when that bubble bursts, bringingglobal economic calamity of unprecedented proportions, to unprecedentednumbers of people, all around the world.”
“In boxing, to avoid being punched, you can block, parry, slip, sidestep,or get out of the ring. It works exactly the same, in stock marketinvestment.”
“However in recent times, the US and the whole world has been hit by afinancial Tsunami, because of beliefs which are now, to everyone inhindsight, blatantly and obviously absurd.”
“If you don't go to bed at night with your bones aching from wanting it, you don't really want it. When your bones ache from wanting something, nothing and nobody will stop you getting it.”
“Agree with me, or disagree with me, that is your choice. But I will say this to you, and if nothing else, take this with you: Question everything. Accept nothing without evidence or proof.”
“The major flaw with human beings is that despite all our cleverness and ingenuity we both tell and believe lies.”
“Sometimes I want to walk into a Christian Church, and or a Jewish Synagogue, and or a Muslim Mosque, and yell at the top of my lungs – “You people are all Crazy!”
“But that pain is then inflicted onto other people, often many other people, all because we lack the courage to stand up and be accountable for all the things both good and bad, we have done in our lives. So by lying, that pain, rather than staying where it belongs, with the person who has done something wrong, is handed out to the innocent. To be a liar therefore is to be a coward.”
“everything we own will one day belong to someone else, but everything we are, is ours forever.”
“The United States does nothing about the gross morbid obesity, and nothing about the gross morbid stupidity, of its citizens.”
“The USA has neither the wisdom to stopputting junk food into its children’s bodies, nor junk education into it'schildren's minds. Such a nation lacking in such real wisdom, must rapidlymake some radical changes or go to oblivion.”
“It's interesting how Christians today completely ignore the four clear verses of Jesus saying his message is for Jews only, and they prefer to stick to the verse that justifies their religion, despite the fact they are not Jewish.”